Thursday, March 02, 2006

weeeeee snow day!!

So I wake up today, stumble down stairs blurry eyed as I had to get up and hour earlier and shout blimey hehe sno0o0o0ow. I felt like a kid. Things awkward thing was to go out it it as I broke the heel on my boot I only had shoes and a dolly trolly to pull along behind me hehe luckily Tom was with me in the morning and pulled my trolly while I concentrated on not falling on my arse!

Its been a nice few weeks. We went to see Julia and Mike in their lovely house and ate jaffa cakes mmmm.

Spent a lot of time just chillin out which has been nice.

I have decided to give up crisps for lent which will be hard as I am a crisp addict and the world is against me. Walkes have now made their crisps healthier so last night while watching the telly in most ad breaks Gary Linekar was on there three times. Crisps, car, crisps, cleaning product, crisps ARGH!

Hmm I had tings to talk about but me being me I got distracted by something else and have forgotton so i shall leave it there.
