Monday, January 01, 2007

So it’s January 2007 and the time is here again for the yearly roundup.

I think for most people last year was very up and down thankfully for me the ups faaaar out weighed the downs.

My wonderful group of friends expanded in 2006 and we have had a lot of fun. I am truly thankful for my friends as they all rock.

As Skip said in her blog, 2006 truly was the year for weddings. I had 4 to go to in summer! Firstly were Beth and Dave. Their wedding was so lovely and I loved Beth’s dress. The ceremony in a converted barn was great and Dave got the giggles :)

Tom’s cousin Sarah and her other half Iain flew off the Florida to get married. They came back all tanned and happy for a big party for everyone.

By far the best wedding of the summer was Nichola and Joe’s. I mean who could beat a wedding breakfast with sweets on the table and sitting me on the starmix table? Pure winner hehe. Me and Tom had a problem with our B&B so were running late but somehow managed to get there just on time and the first person I run into to is a woman I know from Court it was bizarre to be in Halifax and her being the first person I see.

The whole day was wonderful especially the end of the disco which is so going to happen at our wedding :)

I am very very happy for Nich and Joe and hope they will be happy together forever :)

Finally were Gaynor and Jon at the end of the summer. Gaynor looked stunning and there were a large number of men in kilts, brilliant.

From weddings to babies. Luke and Ellie had their second daughter. She is so0o very cute. I am very happy for them. It also meant we got a nice trip up to Durham to see them all at the blessing.

Tom’s bro is also having a baby with his other half Sharon. She is due March so plenty of cooing to be done then and baby shopping awww.

My boss is also pregnant and is due to go off in April. So again more shopping and cooing to be done then \o/

Sadly both Tom and I lost grandparents. It is the worst part of growing up. I can take comfort that my Grandma had a wonderful life and was loved. Sadly towards the end of her life she had several strokes and became very ill. She was a firm catholic which is the one thing she clung too as she deteriorated. I will miss her lots xx

There were some wonderful things that happened to me this year.

Tom and I got engaged on 13th August which I was obviously over the moon about. I think Luke bullied him into it haha. This year is about planning the big day. The date is set for 30th May 2008 so go and buy your hats girlies :)

I have also managed to finally finish my studying HOOOOOOORAY! I missed out on a lot of fun in May/June and some more in October but it was worth it. I am still somewhat shocked that I passed land law haha I can now relax knowing that I am a genius hehe and forget about college and books, work keep trying to talk me into more study and I smile and nod but not for a long time I hate it! Come February I will hopefully have my certificate and can have letters after my name woo. Also Tom Price, you are a legend :)

Work has become somewhat manic lately. This year they decided I was going to work with someone else, I hate it she is a complete nightmare but you have to grin and bear it. One of her previous assistants hated my boss that much that she weed in her tea. To this day my boss doesn’t know, I would love to tell her to see the look on her face.

I have decided work wise that I am just going to keep my head down for the next three months and then she goes on maternity leave WOOHOO!!! I hope she doesn’t read this haha

There was a lot of trouble before Christmas which led to a lot of people being very upset and one person getting signed off sick. Hopefully the Christmas break has chilled everyone out and we can get back to smiling!

2006 has been full of fun and parties with my friends. We have thrown a few which folks seem to enjoy which is good. Julia and Mike have also thrown a couple which were ace. Parties included jumping through fire, smores, hole in a wall and brainiac experiments – God Bless fruit and microwaves :)

So 2007 is here and as usual people make the standard resolutions. I am going to get myself in shape. I could do with losing a couple of stone and it was a little scary to be told I have high blood pressure. I will have Skip for moral support. We are going to sit and eat Bourneville and coffee cake together hehe

Stage one is no alcohol in January and no papa johns for three months! That will be the hardest.

Another resolution is to decorate the living room. I hate those logs yet they have sat there for 20 months hehe. As much as I love Johnny Depp on the wall I think its time he moved upstairs.

As a whole 2006 was good to me and I hope 2007 continues to be just as good.

So to Tom, Skips, Nichola, Motti, Julia, Gary, H, Lee, Al, G, Mike, Michelle & Gem here is an extra special happy new year to you guys and thanks for the good times in 2006.

Have a good one everyone xx