Saturday, October 18, 2003

Well got a lot to blog today! Serves me right for not doing it regularly!

Tom and I had a lovely few days away in Durham visiting friends. It was lovely a green and I really didn’t want to come home! It was fab having some time away from Liverpool.
We spent lovely day looking around Durham, great exercise walking up and down all the hilly roads! We had a look around the Cathedral as well which was lovely.
On the Friday night we had a party tea to celebrate Tom and Luke getting old *giggles*
I really want to go back, so peaceful and greeeen!!

Well last Saturday was Tom’s birthday and he as the grand young age of 24!
We woke up in Durham but he had to wait for his prezzies hehe. Opened his prezzies and then drove us home (BOO)
We went into Liverpool to celebrate. Started in the Swan the moved on to the Kray. Had fun dancing away even if the bloke in charge of the strobe light needed a good kicking!

Not very often you will hear me say this, but I am really enjoying work! Even when they do send me over on my own when our client is a lunatic drug addict! She started off pretty lucid first thing in the morning but got progressively worse as the morning went on, when it was time to go into court she was awful then started screaming in the middle of the hearing. I ended up dragging her out of the court room while she was screaming at the other parties! At least it brightens the week up!
It was also my case in the High Court this week, no one really cares but it was really interesting heh. The court are trying to plan hearings when there is a High Court Judge sitting in Liverpool but it may be hard near the end of the year so I might get a trip to Manchester yay

Julia – my thoughts are with you and your family. xx

I was sure there was more than that.
Ah well



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