Friday, December 19, 2003

Katie's guppies have had babies YAY! I named one Fernando! Fernando the yellow tail *big kisses to Fernando xxx* She has tkaen a picci of Fernando on her picture phone but doesn't know how to send them, pffft, anyone know how to? I wanna see Fernando!!

I have had a skive of a day, I have done no0o work :) Had a nice lunch out of the office meeting Mr Tom in the continental market and smelt yummy food. Most people went to the market in their lunch and the office smelt fabulous of cheese and garlic all afternoon.

IT'S NEARLY CHRISTMAS! I am far too excitable. I love it. Plus a week and a half off work WOO HOO!!

Don't really know what to write I am sure I had loads but when I sit down to write it always pops out of my head :)

Oh yes. brown baby clothes are wrong! They should be banned along with knitted teapot covers and sunday night television in general.

Have a good weekend darhlinks


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