Monday, December 08, 2003

Sunday 07 December really, blogger wouldn't let me post yesterday :)

Firstly. Whizzkids is a charity which raises money to provide electric wheelchairs for disabled children.
Easy Jet have promised 25p for every click on a link on the Whizzkids webpage and so far they have raised thousands!
Please go there and click on the link and follow it to the end. It will cost you nothing, not even your email address. Once you've done this it will tell you what the running total is.
Pass it on to everyone you know :)

I’ve been off sick again :( Booo! My own fault really. When I had a throat infection three weeks ago the doctor told me to go back if I wasn’t feeling any better and I never hehe so now my throat infection has spread to my ear too, I think it might be on my chest to because I am having chest pains :( Not being silly this time though, still feel parpy so I am going to the docs tomorrow :)

Has Christmas started yet? I’ve not been past the corn mills since Monday and they only had the tree up and not santa and the reindeer, I am having worries that it may not be there? What would happen to Christmas?? Hehe I shall have to go past tomorrow and check!

Been feeling and sleeping too much to even put my tree up! This is mad, me, little miss yaaaay its Christmas time!! Hehe I was going to do it today but it never happened! I’ll do it tomorrow, yes, yes I will!

Everyone has sno0o0o0ow! I want some sno0o0ow! Tooooom please give me the snow I’ll love you foooorever :)

Went to see S.W.A.T last night and it was go00od! Lot better than I thought it was going to be, I only said I’d go because Samuel L Jackson was in it hehe. It’s funny although I was scared of Colin Farrells eyebrows at points, is that just me?

Went to the Trafford Centre on Friday with Tom and Motti to do some Christmas shopping. I did crap. Only managed to buy half of one Christmas pressie argh panic now. I was going to be ready this year and not finishing it off on Christmas eve after work!!
If anyone shops in the Trafford Centre stay far far away from the Santa in Debenams!! He’s a scary pervy old man! If you see him walking towards you, turn and RUN! Why do the weirdos pick me? :(

I watched Chicago on DVD today, it’s great. If you’ve not seen it go and rent it out! Thank you Nichola for lending me it :) #He had it comin’!

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

I stole this quiz originally form Joolia and then Nich. The result made me laugh as its truuuue! I am slo0ow at times :) (more often than not hehe)

My twinnieo was Pooh too \o/! KATIE UPDATE YOU BLOG! OO R YA!?!?! INNIT!

I think that’s all I have to say for now.
Thank You :)

Christmas Countdown Kisses


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