Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Thank you to Tom for waking me up and driving me to work this morning after I decided to turn my alarm off in my sleep rather than snooze :)

It's tiring being back in work. I am missing my naps in the day, ah well.

Everyone is decorating their blods yay! Too much hard work for me but it's all nice and christmassy! I'm getting all excited \o/ and HOORAH at Katie getting christmassy too!!! You can't not be christmassy if you wanna be my twiiiin :p

Christmas Party for work on Friday, still humming and haaring over whether to go or not. Not a lot of the younger ones are going but I quite fancy going to laugh at some of the people and have fun with the free bar. Although the tight gits have changed it form an hour free bar to 30 minutes pfft!! Might go for the food as its yummy and then go home with a full belly and slightly tipsy :)

Christmas party on saturday \o/ Can't wait, it's going to be great! I shall be making fairy cakes and christmas tree shaped jelly YAY!! hehe o0o0o I am such a kiddie :)

Tom and I watched the Hulk last night and I thought it was shite really. Well what I saw as I just slept through most of it hehe

Ah well, gave myself a chuckle. Been watching a virusy program and talking about it with Katie and they started talking about the ebola virus and I was sure that we had it in the UK and I was thinking of times when I had seen it on the news. After Katie saying she didn't think we had and her being a scientist that works with viruses I though very hard with a furrowed brow and I actually meant E Coli hehe Sound the same don't they?

Well that will do for now, got to go get my bag ready for college and get my sleeps *yaaaaawn*

Happy Advent Calendar opening


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