Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Well I tried writing a few versions of this post and I realised people who are important know the story of this year so my sincerest apologises and deepest gratitude goes to the following people for being there.

Firstly to Julia, Lady H and Skippy for their hugs at the K. It meant a lot.

Thanks to the pink bag for listening to me go on and on and on for a few hours one day and then gave me some very sensible advice :)

A BIG thank you to Katie the bestest twin ever :) Thank you for listening, especially on those Sunday mornings. Also thank you for keeping me insane :)

A special thank you to Nichola for being great from the start and helping me get my head straight and also for the “discussions” about the demon headmaster.

The biggest thank you goes to Tom for being a lot more understanding than I ever gave him credit for. I want you to know I love you so much.

2003 has been hard but has given me a lot to be grateful for and a lot to work for and 2004 shall be a year for building on relationships and for letting people know how much I love them.

Thank you everybody.


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