Friday, January 30, 2004

Fiiinally the weekend.
Not a very good day today.
I was moving boxes today and I had to load them onto a metal trolly to push them about and the cardboard handle on the box broke and took me half way down with it, the box hit the trolly and made it go backwards but instead of falling over it came back up and whacked me on the head.
Been sore all day :( They sent me home early though which would have been nice but I was in Woolton and went home with all the schoolies and it took me aaaages.

Was going to go swimming tomorrow but I’m shattered after shifting boxes so I guess I might just have to have a lie in and watch some telly hehe Having a cold and not being able to breath might make it a little difficult also.

One thing that has made me smile today it this. You must ALL go watch it :)
Where can you see lions??


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