Thursday, January 29, 2004

WooHoo!! Friday tomorrow!!

Finally started family law today in college \o/ I may actually understand the work I do in a few weeks :)
Passed both of my mocks, which was quite a shock really but wahey! Half wished I had failed one to give me a kick up the arse to actually do the work and go to class heh.

I was late today becausse I ran into Rachel the ickle fatty hehe she said she was going to come and read this but I doubt it a lot, not sure she even knows how to turn a computer on!! (If you do get here Rach wuuuv you fatty xx)

Where is the snow? WHERE!?!? Damn all you peole with the sticky on the floor snow, I want it!! Katie said I will get some but the man on the news said it's all going the thaw tomorrow BAH!

Did I mention I am going to see Bill Bailey?? :) It's crap I can't talk about it in work or college, I say I'm going to see him and they say Who's he?? chuh but anyho0o0o *does I'm going to see Bill Bailey dance* Yes Yes I know its months away!

Who wants to buy me a house?? I'm sure some random millionaire may read this and feel sorry for me and buy me a lovely house, I only want a ickle one, just pocket change to a millionaire :)
I can dream :)


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