Sunday, July 11, 2004

Funny how time flies by without you even realising it, I was looking at my calendar in work this week and realised today it’s been a year since my Gran died. Bet she is happier were ever she may be, probably drinking vodka with the devil as she would have liked.

I have decided to stop posting miserable posts (for a week at least anyway heh)

My mum is helping me find somewhere to live \o/ She rang Ball & Percival for me Friday lunch time to see if there were any new properties and they had one that came in that morning that at first hearing about it sounds great so my name is first on the list woohoo, not that I means I get it I know. Well she said to me she can’t remember is it was Flat 2 number 4 or flat 4 number 2 so Tom and I went for an adventure today to look at the road, seems alright, only problem is the houses start at number 8 as 2,4 and 6 are a garage hehe well done mum. There is no picture on the website yet so I shall just have to be patient.

Had muchos fun on Saturday. Tom, me, Martin, Bob and his lovely lady Hayley went shopping in the Trafford centre. Much fun was had by the girls but I think the lads were bored as the machines in the namco station were mainly bust awww. Didn’t want to finish shopping, we hadn’t made it all the way around, but there shall be more trips! Just glad to see the AWFUL 80’s throwback shite clothing seems to have mostly gone.

Then Martin, Tom and I went back to Toms for some yummy food and a bit of gaming before we went off to Vue to watch Walking Tall. Funny film starring The Rock and Johnny Knoxville. Don’t go expecting much (what can you expect with the Rock starring?) but it was a nice film to sit with mates and watch and have a bit of a laugh. Johnny Knoxville with the van thingy, fuuuunny!

Curious now, got home to a message from my friend who I’ve not spoken to in yonks, if you don’t include the time I freaked her out on MSN while confusing her with Katie and she never replied to any of my messages heh, anyhoo this message Gemma ring me I have great news and you will be excited. Got to be a baby hasn’t it? It could be that she is engaged she’s been engaged before and never sounded like that. Maybe she is engaged but sounds so happy because she actually loves her current blokie (he is lovely) I want to know NOW! I rang her but she is at work and Nick wouldn’t tell me the news, damn him. Ah well. Maybe it’s not even about her, maybe it’s about someone else? I hate waiting for things.

Bit late but break a leg Nichola for your shows. I know you have done one and as I write this you are probably making your way to the stage for the next. Shame I couldn’t go but my life is in the air atm, but as you said I can see the video :)

Why do people say atm machines? Doesn’t the m in atm mean machine? Hmm I usually just call them the money makers or money things anyway.

Can’t keep my mind focused…

Again late but CONGRATULATIONS to Joooolia and to ND for fabulous brainy things you have both done recently.

Really should start my revision again…

Well that will do for now. Off to think about falling in love at windows hehehe.

Been quite long this post hasn’t it?

Buhbyeeeee xxx


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