Monday, July 05, 2004

Long time since a proper update, the last post was rather over dramatic but it makes me laugh and I was tired hehe.

Yet more trouble in with stupid neighbours. Got flooded when it poured down the other week when alcy upstairs left his skylights open. Two nights with no sleep and no time to get a real sleep in the day with people coming in and out to try and sort the place. Night after that it stayed dry but it was hard to sleep as I was too paranoid, any noise and I would jump a mile hehe

Not sure how much more I can take here. House hunting has stepped up but no luck as of yet. Looking for places to rent though I don’t really want to rent any more but even the prices there are a joke. Put my name down for one place and told them to ring my mobile if it was the weekend. Got home yesterday and they had rang on Saturday afternoon to say the viewing was Sunday so I missed it. Rang today and they swear that someone rang my mobile so either they are lying or they dialled the wrong number as they read the correct number to me.

Either someone somewhere loves to see me in tears a lot or there is a perfect place for me and I’ve just not spotted it so they are stopping me from getting anywhere else. Although I have seen my house and its been there for ages at a mere 128k *sigh* It’s only double my budget heh. Really will have to wangle that Tom one into buying one for me :)

Seems like a long time ago but Joolias night out at the K was fab. Really enjoyed myself, even if my back was is agony hehe

There is a thing, if I get a place were I want one by Tom, trips to the K are going to result in like a 30 quid taxi ride home bummer

Well done to Joolia as well for her fabulous distinction. Well deserved!!

Well there was loads I was meant to say but I can’t be arsed.


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