Sunday, January 16, 2005

Ah Sunday nights, what a horrible time this is. TV is utter parp and work looms. I want to go back to work after the boredom of last week but I dread to see what is on my desk.

I am feeling a fair bit better now but not great. I’m on this steroid inhaler thing for a month so I can’t expect to be better after 5 days hehe. I can actually breathe pretty well now though, once I get rid of this cough I can be happy \o/

A plus point of being off work (besides the nice sleep ins) is that I don’t find myself wandering to the tuck box mid morning and having a stroll to the sweet shop with Gem at dinner “to get some air” pfft I must make an effort to steer clear of them from now on. I have lost three pounds this week without trying, I have eaten half a box of celebrations, chocolate euros and cakes from Tom’s mum, so I can’t say I have made the effort. Another 11 pounds to go and I have completed a new years resolution.

Speaking of resolutions, our house moving is getting no closer. Damn you Nationwide cash our cheque!!! Tom is doing well with his packing, wish I could say the same. When ever I go to the shops they don’t have any boxes nyeh. I have thrown lots of crap out though, no wonder there isn’t any room in my flat with the amount of shite I hoard.

o0o o0o o0o Fozzy are playing at the Krazy House on the night of the all nighter. So0o0o going to see them hehe. Big thank yous to Martin for telling Tom about it. It’s going to be great as they are Huge Rockstars! Plus free entry to the all nighter were Chris and Rich from the band will be DJing. I must make sure I have a good nap on that Saturday.

On Friday Tom and I went to the pics to see White Noise. It’s scary, didn’t like it hehe I spent the night clinging to Tom. Not sure why it freaked me out so much, probably because there have been reported incidents of it. Normally I just sit and jump at the times when the film maker obviously wants you to. The ending was a little pants and they should have just gone for the psycho old man type ending hehe When we got in I had to watch this really parp made for TV movie to take me mind of it. That was called On a wing and prayer and the plane should have gone BOOM at the end, would have been soooo much better.


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