Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I am ill boooooo

It's my first sick day in 11 months which is quiet bizzare as when I was a junior I used my holidays then used all my sick days as holidays too hehe well they never paid me enough to do a parpy job.

They still don't pay me enough but I must be enjoying my job because i've been going in when not well. It was just easier to take today off rather than have people moaning at me to take the time off.

I was going to use to the time to start packing but frankely I can't be arsed today. Going to the doctors today, they'll just say it's a bad cold stay warm, drink fluids blah blah

At least I got to speak to my twinner today hoorah but then she went offline and now I am bored and I was going out 14 minutes ago but i am still in my PJs heh

I bought some clemetines for some vitimin C but every segment has 2 or 3 pips boooo

Hmm I am feeling rather sorry for myself hehe


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