Monday, March 28, 2005

Oh I do love long weekends, it seems like I have been away from work for ages and it’s been fun!

Thursday night was fab, went out straight from work for someone’s birthday, Gemma and I decided we were going to make a night of it and decided to get dressed up rather than going in work clothes, so we wanted something to drink while getting ready so we sort of stole a bottle of wine from work but bribed the partner I work for with a glass of it, so tomorrow if someone complains about it missing we can blame Helen hehe

The we got 4 quid off a bottle of wine at the first bar we went too, yay for male bar staff hah, not being a wine drinker the evening kind of gets a wee bit hazy from there on in, I know I was very drunk and managed to get everyone to think it was a great idea to walk to concert square (this was so I didn’t have to walk across town on my own while I was drunk and there were lots of drunk people hehe) which we did \o/

After walking across managed to end up with another drink in my hand form somewhere and did a bit of dancing before running off to have a sit down in the swan for a bit of chatter and watching Sephi play on his new DS

I also remember inviting yet more people to our house warming, I think we may have t erect a marquee outside heheh

I did quite well that night, I had a fab time, got very drunk and only spent about £6.50 and that’s including the meat ball subway I got on the way home hehehe

Friday we chilled, by all rights I should have been badly hung over, a mixture of wine, cocktails and spirits meant hangover and I was waiting for it but I was fine hehe, I am sure I will start to get hangovers soon…

Spent the rest of the weekend eating, sleeping, mooching around Southport and eating some more, it’s been lovely and chilled.

Tom almost bought a DS today, we got to the shop and they had none left hahahaha

Been feeling rather broody lately ( as my last post may suggest!) and feeling old when speaking to school friends when I am just a baby !!

So many people I went to school with have babies. I’ve been talking to one on MSN through her pregnancy and she’s not long had the baby. She sent me a text a couple of hours after having her little girl and has sent me a photo of herself in labour saying its not as bad as people make out, what’s the fuss, hehe, so just mentioned I was getting a little broody and she said you better get a move on before it’s too late, TOO LATE? I’m 22 and yes I am broody but far far faaaaar away for it to be too late to have babies. She’s not the only one to make me feel like that. Everyone has babies or is engaged so I am like oo yay moving in with Tom, oh we’ve lived together for years so when are you having babies? Hahaha

Hmm I am eating chocolate while typing this, piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig.

I have spent a while looking for a keep fit DVD, I’ve done quite well in the loosing weight part but I can’t quit my sugar addiction, not sure why I should really its great hehehe I just need exercise. So the searching fro a keep fit DVD, there are so many of them and a HUGE number of them are strip tease, exotic dancing, lap dancing type dvds. I wanted a dance type one but after reading a lot of reviews most of them seem crap. Tom jokingly asked about the abi titmuss one apparently it’s pants but the Carmen Electra aerobic striptease one is supposedly good hehehe, damn it, does anyone know of any decent work out DVDs?

Right going to watch ER now, can I make it three weeks without blubbing? heh


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thursday night was fab - roll on the next lot of drinking!

March 29, 2005 6:48 pm  
Blogger Skippy said...

too late. jeez your friend would probably have a cow if she knew i hadn't had at least 4 kids by now at my grand old age.

And nor do i plan having them for at least another 4 years!

it's ALL in the mindset :)
My mum was 33 when she had my brother so I think I can manage to hang on and have a life first :D

April 01, 2005 1:37 pm  

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