Friday, May 27, 2005

Hooray internet access is back ! This broadband malarky is rather cool things just zoom along I love it.

yay for Liverpool winning the champions league the past two day sin work have been full of very hungover people it has been quite amusing.

Finished work today for a two week break yay, well I say a break and yay but it is to revise and then do exams so not a nice break and BOO to exams. I can't wait to finish the theory side of this course, these exams to fail an resit then one more year of studying, then I am stopping, can't be bothered being a solicitor it costs to much money to train and I would rather spend the pennies making the house all pretty !

I have done rather well in ignoring exams but today it hit me they are close can't use the reasoning that they are next month as its June on Wednesday, been reading like mad and some bits seem to be sticking in, I seem to learn more when I panic so cramming week should help!

Well once my exams are over I can concentrate on getting fit for the run, I seem to have bundles of energy and bounce around the house like a loon but run outside and I feel like collapsing in 2 minutes hehe

Work also have a little training plan for me to learn about different bits of family law, so when college is over I still have to keep learning. At least with work there won't be any homework were I need to make up random excuses why I haven't done it !!

Kind of babbling along as not really got much to say so I may as well end it here. tata


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