Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Wahey we are finally all moved in I can't quite believe it. Wandered around the house this morning thinking wow it is actually ours!

Needs lots of work doing on it and I really want to get it all done now but I have to remember that I have stupid exams coming up so must get my head down!

Moving day was quite fun, it knackered everyone out save for me, I spent most of the day bouncing from my flat down to the van then bouncing from the van to our new house. I am still a little achey though and got lots of lovely bruises.

I have a really sore foot too, after being bored of packing I decided to just start throwing stuff away, as I was carrying bin bags down the stairs I couldn't see where I was going and thought I was at the bottom so took a long step and I wasn't at the bottom so ended up throwing myself down the stairs hehe only 2 but my foot has been quite sore since. hehe

I am sat in work now wishing I really wasn't here, I want to just go sit in the house, I had the day off yesterday but was here there and everywhere.

Haven't got a working aerial for the TV or phone line yet so I have given my mum a list of programs to record I didn't get to play cry or not to cry while watching ER.

Well 9 o'clock is looming and we get kicked off the internet then so I shall say farewell and speak to you soon.

oo and people should come to our house for coffee and biscuits so you can see it before I prettyfy it hehe


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