Wednesday, June 08, 2005


So the exams are finally over and tomorrow the books shall be shipped upstairs until September when I get them out in readiness for re sits.

EU law wasn't that bad but still made a balls up of it and Land Law was a hideous paper which left even the brainy people coming out saying what the fuck was that? hehe so not holding any hope of that one at all (not that I did even before I went in heh)

Took last week off to revise, which was a waste really as I didn't remember a thing. But I was kept from loosing the plot by chatting to the folk on the email thing. Julia sent me revision vibes but I was cheeky and said can she make it cake and a few hours later there she was on my door step with cake hehe she pootled off to do her clinic and then popped back for a cuppa and I was good and there was still cake for her to have with her tea.

It was Als birthday night out on Saturday and I missed it as I decided to be good and keep reading, wish I hadn't, sounds like a good night was had and I was bored stupid!

Monday night Julia and Mike came around and delivered our amazing bean bag, it so rules !!

and now it is Wednesday evening and my exams are over and I feel rather happy :) I can get to picking kitchens and colour schemes and making the house look just the way I want it. I say I as Tom's not too bothered so I get to pick hehe

Hmm we really must get around to sorting the housewarming party, will everyone stop being so busy please, or tell us a weekend when you are free :)


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