Sunday, September 04, 2005

Feeling Proud

Feeling Proud
Originally uploaded by Gemma B.

wow I can't believe it is September already! How time flies!

We have now been in the house for four months and it doesn't seem that long at all and still haven't killed each other so that is a good sign.

Today I did the hydro active 5k women's challenge in Sefton park. It was fun, very warm but everyone was in great spirits and doing it for so many causes so not as serious as the people running in the run I did in July. I signed up and then made Gaynor and gemma sign up as well hehe Gaynor and I stuck together again and Gemma scooted off trying to impress her boyf with her speedy time, Gem did it in the same time as her last rung and Gaynor and I cut 1 minutes 58 seconds off the last race.

When we got to the finish line we got our goody bags which were full of things, it took us by surprise with the weight hehe when we were standing at the end a nice lady for the CF trust came over as they had prepared certificates for everyone that had run in aid of CF so for my running I have 2 medals and a certificate and I am still unfit hehe

After we got our certificates we pootled down to the grass to find Tom, Gary and Gem. Gemma and her boyf had just gone home so found Tom and Gary. I have been wanting a whippy for the past 4 months as we ALWAYS hear the whippy van go past so my mum bought me a whippy with the works as a treat yum yum

Now is the task of going around to collect the money. Thank you to everyone that has sponsored me. I was hoping to raise about £250 but it is looking like I could be nearer £350 so again thank you!

So next thing on my list is my birthday woohoo! I can't even go out for my dinner that day as we have a team meeting, how crap!!

I am supposed to sign up at college this week but I am having trouble. Loads of colleges run the lower level course but only three people ran the higher level. Kbowsley have now had their funding pulled (not that I would go back there anyhoo it was shite) so now I have the choice of Warringtoanddn Ormskirk. Easier to get to ormskirk but evening courses finish at 9 and with changing trains I don't get in until just before 10.45 to get myself together, two nights a week is going to be hard. They are not even sure what courses they can run yet gah. I looked into home study but that is £333 per subject which is a bit ouch considering I need 2 modules and exam fees are not included. Hmm maybe something will work out!

That will do for now I think. Need to go and move furniture now as we are getting our new windowns tomorrow o0o0o so we can finally get down to decorating :)

o0o also check out my flickr account for some run photos.


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