Wednesday, September 07, 2005

YaaaY for skippy becoming an auntie!

One more sleep until my birthday hehe Tom is upstairs wrapping my present up now o0oo

Went and had my interview with college today which was a waste of time really, he just asked me what I had studied and were I was up to and he could have just asked me that over the phone when he asked me to come for an interview duh well I got my unconditional offer and have to make work send them £200 quid heh

Got sent to Warrington Court today and got sort of lost trying to find it, I planned my route and they were doing building works so the road I wanted to go up was closed off and the others were dead ends heh found it in the end and they had changed the judge it was supposed to be before so it was a big judge in a proper court room like you see on TV and I'm not allowed to speak to him as you need to be qualified so instead of hearing me inteah court room I got to go into his private chambers which was very nice and he gave me everything I wanted so he is a nice judge.

babbling a bit now but that's what blogs are for.

weeeeeee one more sleep hahaha


Blogger little_velvet_lady said...

:)_ happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

September 08, 2005 2:46 pm  

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