Sunday, October 30, 2005

Time for another update.

Tom’s party which seemed like so long ago was muchos fun and thanks to those who came, it’s great having everyone round!

We had a chilled week off. Actually got around to ordering a kitchen! I soooo can’t wait, it gets delivered on Tuesday. We have to do it ourselves (should be funny!) Goodness knows when we will get around to doing it, any offers of help??

We also booked our holiday to Philadelphia soooo excited I love holidays. Good excuse to go shopping for winter clothes as its cold over there. All the sales start the week we go over as well which is ace, cheaper stuff in USA with grater savings as it’s the sales haha We will be sat somewhere over the Atlantic in an airplane this time in three weeks! Might bump into Gemma in the airport car park as she arrives back from her hols the morning we fly out. Not to good on planes though but I am not going to be scared this time I have decided haha

The week of fun and lots of money spending was followed by my land law resit which went really baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad whoops so I have decided to sack off land law and do crime next year, it sounds nice and interesting.

I also went back to my days of being a teenager. I scooted off to Manchester with my friend Sarah to go and watch the backstreet boys hehe. We screamed and sang until we had sore throats and clapped until our hands stung! It was great hehe. I want to go and see them again haha. Also before it started managed to spot Sarah’s mate on the opposite side of the MEN! We had a list of songs we hoped they would play and we heard every single one. The only down side to it was the journey home which took 2 ½ hours damn M62 being down to 1 lane!

Friday was the evil girls Halloween horror ball which was fun. I got dressed up in a very not Gemma style which I must say was fun, I did feel a little uncomfortable but the alcohol helped me with that haha. There are pics all over the place, I put some on my flickr but they are the same as Tom’s I just wanted to actually use my account for something haha. If there was an award for the best costume Al would have so won coming as skelator, it was fab!

Trip to Tesco's made me smile as there was a warning going around not to seel eggs milk or flour to kids, aah mischief night. Now the little bastard kids would have bought their eggs on thursday or friday, I remember covering one of the PE teacher's houses in toilet paper one year, he wasn't amused when it was mentioned in school asembly the week after.

Right I have homework to do booooo and then when I have done that ironing double booooooo.


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