Friday, December 09, 2005

Sitting at home alone which is strange but I am making good use of the alone time to play my music full blast without Tom taking the piss out of me hehe

Everyone has gone out for Joey's birthday would have been nice to go but I feel somewhat pants so I am sat here in my PJs thinking about Christmas and listening to a great Christmas song.

Fountains Of Wayne - I Want An Alien For Christmas Lyrics

This year for Christmas
There's something I'd really like
So if you're up there somewhere Santa
Please don't bring me another bike

I don't need any ugly sweaters
And I don't play much basketball
But there's something kinda special
That I want most of all...

I want an alien for Christmas
Bring me an alien this year
I want a little green guy
About three feet high
With seventeen eyes
Who knows how to fly
I want an alien for Christmas this year

He can live in the bath tub
So don't worry about a thing
And I'll take him out for walks
When it gets nicer in the Spring

I'll always keep him company
He'll never be alone
And we can hang around the house all day
And watch the Twilight Zone

I want an alien for Christmas
Bring me an alien this year
I want a little green guy
About three feet high
With seventeen eyes
Who knows how to fly
I want an alien for Christmas this year

I want an alien for Christmas
Bring me an alien this year
I want a little green guy
About three feet high
With seventeen eyes

Who knows how to fly
I want an alien for Christmas this year
I want an alien for Christmas this year

I have had the most hilarious two days in work spending it in court in front of the funniest judge in Liverpool I love her! She even told us a joke today. How many psychotherapists does it take to change a light bulb? Only one, but the light bulb must really want to change. In the context of the case it was so funny. The top of my pen is chewed to bits so that I didn't laugh at some of the comments made. Gem and I were chatting about her on the train and she really needs to do a book of her pearls of wisdom.

If you don't like the waves, learn to surf was another used in this case but one she used in another case that stuck in my head as being great was, the middle of the road isn't just for squished hedgehogs haha I love her. Funny laydee who is great at her job.

Ah well I think the sugar coke and the sweeeeeeeties Tom bought me have made me somewhat loopy.

Think I shall go pick a film and curl up on the beany bag.


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