Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year Folks!

So firstly a little talk of December. Christmas was brill! Tom and I spent our first Christmas in our house and I cooked an AMAZING (haha) Christmas lunch. I was somewhat proud of myself for not burning things and for not giving us food poisoning. I decorated the table lovely and had a lovely time.

It was nice to go see everyone as well. We saw Luke, Ellie and baby, although not really a baby now she is so big now and soooo full of life she made me giggle so much! We popped to Toms mum and Dads Christmas evening to see his family which was lovely. Then Boxing Day went to see my mums family were a spent a few hours with people on my level my little cousins haha. It was fun playing this game my granddad had bought them were you have to shoot bottle and cans off the wall hehe but then I hid when they wanted me to play cricket thankfully they couldn’t find the bats!

Sat around and relaxed between Christmas and New Year which was nice to do nothing much at all other than read Harry Potter and eat chocolate.

Friday 30th was the evil girls night which was good but nothing really to write home about. It was just like a regular night out with fiends except a few girls strolling around in underwear heh, it emptied out pretty early and me and tom decided to have an early night rather than go to the K, save our energy for the next day.

So yaay New Years Eve. We got up early to make Skippy’s birthday prezzies. Tom did a fabulous job on the cake and my krispie cakes were rather popular haha. We also made her a rather spectacular card coloured in with glitter crayons and being such a wonderful artist I went outside the lines haha.

Early evening arrived and Julia and Mike came over and we headed off to Skips for a few drinkies before scooting into town for the nature boys party. It was fab! Their practice room was great although a little strange thinking I was above the court were I spend a lot of working time haha. Tom kept telling us stories of how this was a perfect horror film, gang of people drinking in an old building with a big locked iron gate haha!

The New Year was welcomed in and Birthday wishes to the lovely Skip and it was fab. Julia, Mike, Tom and myself left about 1.30 after a short walk we jumped in a taxi which wasn’t an absolute fortune as I expected it to be!

So that was the end of 2005 and 2006 is here, seems strange! But as most do a time to reflect on the year gone past. Last January I made the following resolutions:

1. Move in with Tom.

2. Lose a stone.

3. Be more outgoing.

I am quite proud to say I have kept them all! I am still quiet but not as quite as I was!

It has been a good year after all the trauma of the house buying we finally moved in some 4 months later than planned but we did it! It has been brilliant. We’ve not killed each other which must be a good sign. 8 months ago today we moved in. Went way passed the bets me and Tom made on how soon we would kill each other :)

Work is still going well, I almost feel shocked to write that. I work for a different person than I did this time last year and she is a lot harder to work for she makes me laugh and she is pretty cool.

Went to two great gigs this year. Korn and The Backstreet Boys.

I am 17% Emo.
Anti-Emo  ...hrmph.
Okay... so I'm not emo at all.. I am probably not even goth, because goths are just messed up emo kids... I am probably a metal head... or into boy bands...

hehe the backstreet boys concert was soo much fun. I went with my lovely friend Sarah and we had a scream, literally, we screamed ourselves horse!

Oo we also saw Fozzy they were sooo cool! Haha Tom wanted to go see them again when they play at the end of the month!

I have been so happy this year I think it has been one of the most trouble free happy years ever for me which seems strange as I know a lot of people haven’t had such good times. Although I think the fact I spent the end of January and most of February drugged up after my op left some lasting effects haha.

There have been some lovely times to share with my friends though.

My friend from work had a baby and he is sooo gorgeous with the longest eye lashes ever! Plus Luke and Ellie announced they are pregnant with their second \o/

Nichola has been happily planning her wedding which is so close now it seems so strange like it would take forever to come around! Plus two more friends got engaged yay to Gaynor! Gemma’s blokie proposed Christmas day! I have been wanting to go back to work all week so I can give her a hug and see the ring! People on the train tomorrow will wonder what the racket will be about as I bounce along it to join Gem haha

Tom and I also had an amazing trip to Philadelphia and saw Martin and his lovely wife Sharon. They seem so happy it was brilliant to see them!

To anyone that had a difficult time in 2005 hugs to you and here is hoping you all have a fabulous 2006 :)

So I have been thinking of what new years resolutions to make seeing as I did well last year but I have decided not to make any. I am happy and healthy and can’t think of any to make hehe

I hope I can remain this happy!

I also hope that 2006 will be a good year for you and yours



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done you Mrs!!

Here's to a fabby 2006!


January 04, 2006 8:37 pm  

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