Saturday, January 28, 2006

Well I never won the euro millions last night so I decided I would blog about non millionairess things.

There has been a lot of talk in work about this week, someone somewhere realised that I potentially qualify this year ARGH! Need to pass my 2 exams in June and 1 in October and results on December 13th shall hold my fate!

I’ve not really though about qualifying I knew it was going to happen but never registered. Now I am scared, I like being a trainee faffing about randomly then getting by boss to sort hard stuff out but I can’t do that come December.

Part of me is saying ooooh its ages away December but then I think January is practically over it’ll be here before you know it.

In fear of actually being in charge of myself and a secretary and a share in helping the trainees I have spent about 5 ½ hours studying today haha

Work have some big plans for me apparently which I was rather excited about yesterday but today I’m going to put it all out of my head for now as knowing our place it’ll fall through so to save jinxing it I shall share all when they confirm it hehe.

I can’t really remember what I have been up to lately hehe I have a terrible memory this week. I remember last night we went to my aunties 40th which was nice save for the DJ was shite he kept playing the same songs Call on me is bad enough once but then to play it again about an hour later shoot that man!

Tomorrow is the Fozzy gig woo Tom’s really looking forward to that and it should be muchos fun!

I ordered Nip/Tuck season 1 this morning. I never watched the first 2 seasons but I have got into season three. It’s so weird and random and Julian McMahon is rather tasty hehe. Looking forward to that arriving so I have some telly to watch Saturday mornings.

Ooh yes yesterday morning was funny. Thank you to Merseyrail for giving me and Gem an hour sat in the tunnel to have a good natter rather than having to do work. Although I think we may have been the only people not arsed to be stuck there haha. The brakes on the train seized and they had a hard job getting them unseized and we sat there for ages. Some people were getting pissed off and started banging on the door were the guard should be except it was a six car train and the door they were banging on was just the end of car three heh and even when they were told there was no one in their they kept banging morons.

Ah well all this work has made me hungry so I might head downstairs to pester Tom and cook tea.


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