Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Ah so I’ve not updated in such a long time.

The past 6 weeks have been a bit of a roller coaster emotionally for me.

Work has been absolutely manic!! End of financial year so partners have been standing over us making us bill all the clients so they have enough money to pay off their credit card bills pfft.

College work has increased ten fold. Might take a few days off work now that it is starting to quite down a bit and try and catch up on that. To be expected I suppose seeing as it is my final year.

Sadly a good friend of mine passed away. The funeral was lovely. It was on thornton crem and it was full to the brim and many left stood outside in the rain. One of closest friends got up and made a speech which left everyone my age laughing and crying at the same time and the rest of the people some what bemused. Colin was the best youth worker on this planet! After the crem we went to the pub and ended up back at one of the girls houses playing games that Colin taught us. The most favourite (and most messy) was hey harry which involved shaving foam, lots of laughter and a shaving foam fight at the end. I am sure it would be a send off Col would have been proud of!

Also had a bit of a scare with my grandma which had the doctors telling all the family to get to the hospital as she wasn’t going to last the week, yet two days after he said that she was eating jelly and ice cream and now they have released her from hospital. Never one to do the expected my grandma :)

Obviously I needed to let my hair down and forget about the stresses of life. So there have been a couple of lovely nights out. The most recent being the celebration of Lady H’s birthday a good change to get dressed up and boogie away. It was a fab night :)

Yesterday was mine and Tom’s 6 year anniversary together so we decided to book the day off work and do very little, it was fab. We strolled around town in the sunshine and then Tom took me to Yums on Bold Street for food and it was indeed Yum!

This Friday is our guitar hero party haha are we just grasping at random excuses to throw parties?? The neighbours that Al made put their house up for sale with his rendition of I believe in a thing called love by the darkness moved out last weekend so either a – we can be a little louder this time with no-one to annoy or b – Al scares off our new neighbours if they move in on Friday :)

I now need to spend the next 2 months concentrating on my college work so I do apologise if I ignore people but I don’t mean it I’ll see you all mid June :)


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