Friday, May 27, 2005

Hooray internet access is back ! This broadband malarky is rather cool things just zoom along I love it.

yay for Liverpool winning the champions league the past two day sin work have been full of very hungover people it has been quite amusing.

Finished work today for a two week break yay, well I say a break and yay but it is to revise and then do exams so not a nice break and BOO to exams. I can't wait to finish the theory side of this course, these exams to fail an resit then one more year of studying, then I am stopping, can't be bothered being a solicitor it costs to much money to train and I would rather spend the pennies making the house all pretty !

I have done rather well in ignoring exams but today it hit me they are close can't use the reasoning that they are next month as its June on Wednesday, been reading like mad and some bits seem to be sticking in, I seem to learn more when I panic so cramming week should help!

Well once my exams are over I can concentrate on getting fit for the run, I seem to have bundles of energy and bounce around the house like a loon but run outside and I feel like collapsing in 2 minutes hehe

Work also have a little training plan for me to learn about different bits of family law, so when college is over I still have to keep learning. At least with work there won't be any homework were I need to make up random excuses why I haven't done it !!

Kind of babbling along as not really got much to say so I may as well end it here. tata

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

New house rules! It still feels quite odd but feeling more and more like home and even nicer when we have visitors.

Sephi has been around to entertain Tom while I revise. Nich and Joe came around on Friday as well and we went for a meal at the Falstaff oh my god the meals are HUGE but the mash was overly salty so that was a bit of a let down. Would love to go again though on a Sunday and see how big the roast dinners are !!

So exams are almost upon us, my friend Gemma is off this week sitting her first year exams so I have no one to chat to this week. Mine are not long away, I keep trying to kid myself they are a month away because they are in June and its only Nay but they are on the 6th and the 8th hehe

Well the girls sound like they are training well for their 5k run, good luck to you all for that! I have entered to do a 5k run as well its not till September so plenty of time to train after exams, which I need after I ran for the train last week and nearly passed out hehe I have talked Gemma and Lisa form work into doing it with me. Lisa and I are running to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis and Gemma is running for Cancer Research so its for very good causes (fair warning then to everyone as I will be harassing for sponsorship money hehe)

Well today is a costs day in work which is a pain in the arse considering I have two tones of work and the solicitor I work for is in Dubai and our secretary is at home doing her last minute packing as she is off to Thailand this afternoon.

I hope everyone is keeping well as not really spoken to many people lately save for Sephi, Nich and Joe and of course RrRRRRrrRRaAAAAaAAAaRrrRRrRRrRr to the wonderfully mad scientist that is Katie

Ah well off I go to send bills to clients who will dispute the amount despite the letters at the start of the case, complain and then pay £20 a month for 600 years hehe


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Wahey we are finally all moved in I can't quite believe it. Wandered around the house this morning thinking wow it is actually ours!

Needs lots of work doing on it and I really want to get it all done now but I have to remember that I have stupid exams coming up so must get my head down!

Moving day was quite fun, it knackered everyone out save for me, I spent most of the day bouncing from my flat down to the van then bouncing from the van to our new house. I am still a little achey though and got lots of lovely bruises.

I have a really sore foot too, after being bored of packing I decided to just start throwing stuff away, as I was carrying bin bags down the stairs I couldn't see where I was going and thought I was at the bottom so took a long step and I wasn't at the bottom so ended up throwing myself down the stairs hehe only 2 but my foot has been quite sore since. hehe

I am sat in work now wishing I really wasn't here, I want to just go sit in the house, I had the day off yesterday but was here there and everywhere.

Haven't got a working aerial for the TV or phone line yet so I have given my mum a list of programs to record I didn't get to play cry or not to cry while watching ER.

Well 9 o'clock is looming and we get kicked off the internet then so I shall say farewell and speak to you soon.

oo and people should come to our house for coffee and biscuits so you can see it before I prettyfy it hehe