Saturday, August 20, 2005

I got my exam results this week, a day early as well, buggers. I opened it up after it being sat on teh floor for half an hour and holy fook I actually passed one. Horrendous subjects that I thought I had failed both but I passed European Law (how??) but failed land which was great and the partners in work were like everyone fails land so it's great. Now got to start learning the subject again but the thing is I really don't care how restictive coneants are effected by common law and equity and what the differences are if the land happens to be registered or unregistered YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWN. but I do need to pass because then I am exempt from land if/when I do my degree.

Got the 5k run 2 weeks tomorrow which Gaynor is going to do with me again so it will probably be another jog rather than a run because we are too busy laughing again hehe If you haven't sponsored me YOU SHOULD hehe well you don't have to but it would be nice :p

off to see a band tonight, don't know who or where or when hehe hopefully they will be good.

Think that's all for now.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I am 28% Video Game Addict.
I Play a Few Video Games
I may play video games but they don’t rule my life. Good for me. But I should be careful not to fall in the grasp of the loving glow of the TV or monitor.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Feeling much better now :)

I have had a fun weekend. We went to Tom’s parent’s home for tea and it was lovely and Tom’s mum saw a great idea for our kitchen and we went for a walk to the show room to see it and I really liked it, o0o I can’t wait to get this house done :)

While we were driving home we got a text about a wee shindig at Mike’s so we went along. Had a very enjoyable night sitting and laughing at Tom, Kayte and their nature commentary and also Al and Mark winning the European cup heh. Our pictures came out great and Tom will upload them later

Three weeks today is when I do the run for cystic fibrosis so it’s about time I started collecting sponsors, soooo, if anyone fancies sponsoring me please let me know by email, through Tom or visit Just Giving to sponsor me online :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

A little update for the last two weeks.

I have been on a works night out which was fun. We went on a boat thing along to River Dee in Chester. I spent most of the night sitting on the top with Gemma looking at all the posh houses as she picked which ones she was going to get her boyfriend to buy. As the night went on people got more and more drunk and made fools of themselves. I also decided to quit law that night and join a band!

I was dancing near one of the blokies playing the music and the other one was playing a tambourine, I jokingly said to the person I was dancing with that I wanted to play the tambourine, next thing there was one in my face so I happily played that and sang along, I truly think I found my calling hehe.

It was a fun night and it makes me glad that when I drink I just get chatty people were very embarrassed on Monday morning!

We went to see Charlie and the Chocolate factory which was ace. I love Johnny Depp (do we really need to decorate Tom? I quite like this poster of Captain Jack on the wall  ) Anyho0o everyone should go see it.

I made Tom take me to Manchester at the weekend. Fancied a change of scene and got some bargains. I want to do the bedroom in green but when I was looking around the housey shops everything is brown or lilac, pfft, I can’t wait for our windows to be in so I can start painting, that bedroom is such a horrible colour to wake up to, especially on a sunny morning !

I have spent the last few days off work. I was woken up early hours Monday feeling rubbish. In the day I couldn’t lift my head and slept the day away, save to get up just before 5.30 for tom to come home and his folks to come around. I thought it was a migraine as I got them bad when I was younger in my stomach making me very ill but I went and finally registered at the doctors yesterday and it seems there is a stomach bug going around plus I am dehydrated due to not keeping much down and then just sleeping instead of drinking hehe

SO I have two aims for today:
1. Stay awake, not allowed naps in work so I need to be awake today
2. Drink the 2 litre bottle of water today and more if I can

I need to learn to drink more, I have never drunk enough but being dehydrated is so horrible!

Oh also tried to sign up at the dentist yesterday but they’re not taking on NHS patients I said OK and went to walk out but my mother was there so she asked how you know if someone is NHS or private and she said that you have to look in the mouth but they couldn’t look because they weren’t taking on NHS patients? It confused me, I love my old dentist anyway so any time I need to go to the dentist I shall pop off to Seaforth heh

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can also be quite funny.

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