Monday, September 27, 2004

Well I had my very first go at advocacy today. Advocacy is where we go before the judge and put our case across.
It was a nice simple matter with no client and no one on the other side. I had spent the weekend doing my little script and then re-doing it and then perfecting it. So I finally get my turn to go before the judge. Now normally the mess with the papers then lean back and ask you what you want. So I wait patiently for him to sit back so I can do my well rehearsed piece and the ruddy judge starts doing all the talking with me saying yes sir, yes sir and then about 8 other words then thank you. I left the room rather disappointed hehe

Ah well hopefully now I have started taking on injunction clients I will finally get to go to court and speak properly. That’s if I ever get an injunction client that turns up. 2 out of the 3 I have had phone up since it was decided I get to play with files didn’t turn up and the other one was in cells so a barrister had to come chuh.

My time will come, I’m sure.

I spent this morning in court working out mine and Tom’s finances for hen we buy a house and it’s easily done I can’t wait. It’s going to be fun being a proper growed ups.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Well it’s been a while since I last blogged and a fair amount has happened.

College has been the main issue lately. I went to Southport college a couple of weeks ago all ready to start studying family and criminal law, which was fab as they were the subjects I really wanted to do. Well we got there and they decided not to run the class as they didn’t have the numbers they expected, arse. After a bit of panicking and some time convinced someone somewhere was trying to put me off law I got a friend from work to save me! I now have to go aaaaaaall the way to Roby, by Huyton. I have the most fascinating subjects as well. European Law and Land Law!

For European Law on Wednesday we are going to have a debate on federalisation of the EU, we have to come in with an opinion. Luckily Ebi had an opinion and I have adopted that as my own!

Then Land Law, we’ve had two lessons and we are having a test. A test! What kind of evil torturing sadistic lecturer have they given us??

As well as having an opinion on federalisation and reading up for a stupid test I have to revise for exams which are in three weeks AAAAARRRGGGGGHHHHHH PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We’re off to Durham to say hello0o0o to Luke and Ellie which I am really looking forward too. A nice break away from here and too de-stress a bit. Martin shall be in the car with us, so I can sit in the back and revise while Martin can navigate and they can talk about random boy rubbish.

Been too see a couple of good films that I would recommend to anyone looking for a trip out.
Firstly was Collateral, I wasn’t really expecting much from this, especially as I’m not a fan off Tom Cruise but I really enjoyed it. I wanted to be an assassin for a couple of days after that.
Last night we went to watch The Punisher, truly violent but very good. Buried my head into Tom for a part of it as it was horrid, not sure if you actually saw anything but I didn’t want to chance it!

Well it’s Tom’s birthday in two weeks and I don’t know what to get him. Found a couple of things I want though hehe.

Ah well that will do for now as I should go revise.

Take care

Monday, September 06, 2004

I have dragged myself away from that evil game to update as I’ve not done one in a while.

Spent a lot of time house hunting which is fun. Nosing around people’s houses. There has only been one that we have both liked and that we can see potential in. We have one more to look at tomorrow and then who knows. Can’t wait to get away from fuck face downstairs It’s gonna be great having some real company all the time and a place I can call my own.

Tom has been putting naughty ideas in my head about leaving things in the flat when I leave, just as prawns in the ceiling panels which take a while to start to smell, nice.

Back to college next week HOORAH 4 ½ day weeks again wo0o0o. Gonna be a bit mind squidging doing third year work and revising for second year exams, really need to pull my socks up and get it done, got a lot going on so must must do it!!

Hmm soap operas really are shite!

Went to see Hellboy on Saturday with Tom, Bob, Hayley and Martin. Was an alright film, got a bit bored near the end as it was longer than I thought it was going to be but it was alright.

I had more to say but I can’t be arsed.

tata xx