Monday, June 27, 2005

R.I.P Twice Nightley

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Lets have a little update.

The weekend was Joolia's birthday and we went and had a cool BBQ at her house. There was plenty of swing ball playing and I really wanted ago but theyw ere scary watching them play as it got quite violent when hitting the ball, get to close and lose a body part hehe

Sunday I had to work, booooo, went and gave balloons to kids at the families live event in Shake-a-bush and it was pants, last years event at I M Marsh was supposed to be a laugh but this year it was fathers day, aintree show and race for life so it was empty. I only volunteered in an effort to make work pay for me to do my degree so when I decide to quit law I can have a degree that people recognise rather than ILEX that no one has ever heard of unless they are involved in law.

Race for life. A huge well done to everyone who ran in the race for life. I think that event bankrupted me so many people did it but it was for a great charity and ever deserves a pat on the back, proud of you all, one of my friends managed to do it in just under 27 minutes :o I'm supposed to be running a 5k with her soon I hall be left behind!

So training is underway for my upcoming runs. The first one being the corporate cup run for work to raise money for something or other, I don't really know. Lovely lady I go to work and college with got bamboozled into doing the run then paniced and begged me to do it and I couldn't say no, plus it would be another plus thing for me representing the firm in the hope they'll stop being tight and give me a few grand for my degree hehe

Also seeing this run as a practice run for the 5k in September. Did I write about this already? Hmm if so I shall say it again! I am doing the hydro active women's 5k run in September. Women can enter and raise money for any charity of their choice and I shall be raising money for cystic fibrosis. It's a condition I've never really thought of before and I didn't really know what it was until recently. It's fab cause so you shall all be sponsoring me, or else hehehe

Already started on the raising money for CF by giving Joolia a pound for the purple wrist band in aid of CF and having a lot of people asking me what it is for which leads me to telling them abut my race, hoping I can talk a few barristers into sponsoring me hehe already roped some of my nice clients into coughing up so must make sure their case doesn't finish before I run.

Check out the CF website for more info Click Here!

I treated myself to a groovy new watch from ebay. It has flashing stars on the face hehe it's rather distracting while I am trying to type in work as I find myself getting bored and then going OO Look it flashes (I'm quite sad really :) )

Thank that's all for now, going to collapses on the beanbag as that swim has worn me out. I started sinking after a while hehe

oo incase I am too lazy to blog tomorrow...

Happy Birthday Nichola :)


Monday, June 13, 2005

Stole this thing from Skips blog.

Your answers suggest you are a Resolver

The four aspects that make up this personality type are:
Spontaneous, Facts, Heads and Introvert
Summary of Resolvers

* Good at getting to the heart of a problem and quickly finding a solution
* Make rational decisions using the facts available
* Think of themselves as understanding, stable and easy-going
* May focus on short-term results and lose sight of the big picture

More about Resolvers

Resolvers are independent people who quietly learn how things work by analysing large amounts of information. Should a problem arise, they solve it with as little fuss as possible. Resolvers are only interested in abstract ideas, if they can be used to solve a problem quickly.

Resolvers like to take risks: Many of them seek jobs and pastimes that put them in harms way and guarantee an adrenaline rush.

Resolvers have changed jobs most frequently since leaving full-time education, according to a UK survey.

Resolvers are often tolerant of behaviour different to their own as long as their values aren't compromised. They sometimes give the impression that they agree with other peoples' viewpoints because they don't actively disagree.

In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Resolvers may become cynical, negatively critical or put off decisions. Under extreme stress, Resolvers could be prone to inappropriate, tearful outbursts.

Resolvers are quiet and sometimes it is difficult to get to know them; however, they often talk freely about subjects they understand well.
Resolver Careers

Resolvers are often drawn to hands-on jobs that require an analytical mind and careful organisation of large amounts of data.

It's important to remember that no survey can predict personality type with 100 percent accuracy. Experts say that we should use personality type to better understand ourselves and others, but shouldn't feel restricted by our results.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


So the exams are finally over and tomorrow the books shall be shipped upstairs until September when I get them out in readiness for re sits.

EU law wasn't that bad but still made a balls up of it and Land Law was a hideous paper which left even the brainy people coming out saying what the fuck was that? hehe so not holding any hope of that one at all (not that I did even before I went in heh)

Took last week off to revise, which was a waste really as I didn't remember a thing. But I was kept from loosing the plot by chatting to the folk on the email thing. Julia sent me revision vibes but I was cheeky and said can she make it cake and a few hours later there she was on my door step with cake hehe she pootled off to do her clinic and then popped back for a cuppa and I was good and there was still cake for her to have with her tea.

It was Als birthday night out on Saturday and I missed it as I decided to be good and keep reading, wish I hadn't, sounds like a good night was had and I was bored stupid!

Monday night Julia and Mike came around and delivered our amazing bean bag, it so rules !!

and now it is Wednesday evening and my exams are over and I feel rather happy :) I can get to picking kitchens and colour schemes and making the house look just the way I want it. I say I as Tom's not too bothered so I get to pick hehe

Hmm we really must get around to sorting the housewarming party, will everyone stop being so busy please, or tell us a weekend when you are free :)

Friday, June 03, 2005

:: how jedi are you? ::

To Julia

I wuv you

Love Gem

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I've been thinking a lot today. In fact I've been a lot lately, Tom keeps asking me what's wrong so I obviously pull stupid faces when I think heh.

Anyhoo while trying to revise and thinking to myself, did we actually does this in college?? (The answer is probably no, she never used the manual the course provides us with, we skipped the ends of subjects she was teaching us and didn't finish the course off!) I started to panic a bit today, which is a good ting really, I'm not used to not panicking about exams. Never confident enough to go in thinking I know it but I was feeling oh fuck it if I fail, not my fault college was shite. I'm sort of babbling. Trying to cram has mad me go into over load and I have about a million things running through my head at the same time.

There was actually going to be a point to this post but I have completely forgotten what it was !!

Maybe the hut on a beach selling hand made sea shell necklaces and then eventually expanding into home made sun screen is in fact a fabulous idea. Law is so sensible, I'm bored of being sensible. Everything seems to sensible at the moment, although I am absolutely loving the having a house thing being sensible, its cool.

There has been so much bad news going around lately and having to realise that we are in fact grown ups and have to deal with bad things, life was easiest at 15 being a complete scall sitting on chaffers running field with a bottle of 20/20. I know lots of people disapprove of people doing that, but looking back on it there were great friends and we all had a laugh with out harming anyone (maybe harming our young livers though heh) Going to the Paradox was quite funny as well, you got too old to go there once you were 17 though hehe.

Hmm I really have gone off on a tangent. Really what was the point?

Right I have confused myself some what so I shall go start making Toms tea heh