Monday, January 01, 2007

So it’s January 2007 and the time is here again for the yearly roundup.

I think for most people last year was very up and down thankfully for me the ups faaaar out weighed the downs.

My wonderful group of friends expanded in 2006 and we have had a lot of fun. I am truly thankful for my friends as they all rock.

As Skip said in her blog, 2006 truly was the year for weddings. I had 4 to go to in summer! Firstly were Beth and Dave. Their wedding was so lovely and I loved Beth’s dress. The ceremony in a converted barn was great and Dave got the giggles :)

Tom’s cousin Sarah and her other half Iain flew off the Florida to get married. They came back all tanned and happy for a big party for everyone.

By far the best wedding of the summer was Nichola and Joe’s. I mean who could beat a wedding breakfast with sweets on the table and sitting me on the starmix table? Pure winner hehe. Me and Tom had a problem with our B&B so were running late but somehow managed to get there just on time and the first person I run into to is a woman I know from Court it was bizarre to be in Halifax and her being the first person I see.

The whole day was wonderful especially the end of the disco which is so going to happen at our wedding :)

I am very very happy for Nich and Joe and hope they will be happy together forever :)

Finally were Gaynor and Jon at the end of the summer. Gaynor looked stunning and there were a large number of men in kilts, brilliant.

From weddings to babies. Luke and Ellie had their second daughter. She is so0o very cute. I am very happy for them. It also meant we got a nice trip up to Durham to see them all at the blessing.

Tom’s bro is also having a baby with his other half Sharon. She is due March so plenty of cooing to be done then and baby shopping awww.

My boss is also pregnant and is due to go off in April. So again more shopping and cooing to be done then \o/

Sadly both Tom and I lost grandparents. It is the worst part of growing up. I can take comfort that my Grandma had a wonderful life and was loved. Sadly towards the end of her life she had several strokes and became very ill. She was a firm catholic which is the one thing she clung too as she deteriorated. I will miss her lots xx

There were some wonderful things that happened to me this year.

Tom and I got engaged on 13th August which I was obviously over the moon about. I think Luke bullied him into it haha. This year is about planning the big day. The date is set for 30th May 2008 so go and buy your hats girlies :)

I have also managed to finally finish my studying HOOOOOOORAY! I missed out on a lot of fun in May/June and some more in October but it was worth it. I am still somewhat shocked that I passed land law haha I can now relax knowing that I am a genius hehe and forget about college and books, work keep trying to talk me into more study and I smile and nod but not for a long time I hate it! Come February I will hopefully have my certificate and can have letters after my name woo. Also Tom Price, you are a legend :)

Work has become somewhat manic lately. This year they decided I was going to work with someone else, I hate it she is a complete nightmare but you have to grin and bear it. One of her previous assistants hated my boss that much that she weed in her tea. To this day my boss doesn’t know, I would love to tell her to see the look on her face.

I have decided work wise that I am just going to keep my head down for the next three months and then she goes on maternity leave WOOHOO!!! I hope she doesn’t read this haha

There was a lot of trouble before Christmas which led to a lot of people being very upset and one person getting signed off sick. Hopefully the Christmas break has chilled everyone out and we can get back to smiling!

2006 has been full of fun and parties with my friends. We have thrown a few which folks seem to enjoy which is good. Julia and Mike have also thrown a couple which were ace. Parties included jumping through fire, smores, hole in a wall and brainiac experiments – God Bless fruit and microwaves :)

So 2007 is here and as usual people make the standard resolutions. I am going to get myself in shape. I could do with losing a couple of stone and it was a little scary to be told I have high blood pressure. I will have Skip for moral support. We are going to sit and eat Bourneville and coffee cake together hehe

Stage one is no alcohol in January and no papa johns for three months! That will be the hardest.

Another resolution is to decorate the living room. I hate those logs yet they have sat there for 20 months hehe. As much as I love Johnny Depp on the wall I think its time he moved upstairs.

As a whole 2006 was good to me and I hope 2007 continues to be just as good.

So to Tom, Skips, Nichola, Motti, Julia, Gary, H, Lee, Al, G, Mike, Michelle & Gem here is an extra special happy new year to you guys and thanks for the good times in 2006.

Have a good one everyone xx

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Well I thought I would a little post as it was been a wonderful week or so.

Most of you know that a week last Sunday Tom and I got engaged :) So I was floating around!

Then on Thursday I got my results and I passed them both WOOHOO! ( exams down and only one left to go. It’s an absolute fucker so I really need to get my head down and crack on.

My ring arrived on Friday so I have spent the week grinning and looking at it sparkle!

Work is absolutely manic at the moment which is great but I feel like I am running around like a loon!

Well I did say it would be little as I am tired and can’t think what else to write hehe :)

Saturday, August 12, 2006

I have not updated in a long time.

Life has been pretty manic with something in every weekend for the past two months I need time to just stop!!

I went to the races for the first time in July with the girls form work. It was fun and Lynne and I decided not to bet like the other girls were, we got a hot tip so we decided to place a bet and we won woo hoo.

It has also been the summer of marriage! Tom's cousin got married in Florida so we went to the reception a couple of weeks ago. It was nice and Sarah’s dress was simple and gorgeous.

We also went to Beth and Dave’s wedding last weekend. Beth’s dress was fabulous! It was a great day and it was really nice seeing Luke, Ellie and the girls. We really will have to go up to Durham and see him.

Yesterday was Nich and Joe’s day. Despite the chaos of trying to find somewhere to stay it was brill. I had booked a B&B that Ria was going to stay in. I explained we were going to a wedding at 1.30 so would like to come early throw our stuff in and get ready. When we get there the weird man I had called crazy george after talking to him on the phone told us that we couldn’t come in and he still had to do the rooms and told us to come back in the afternoon. Um bit late! We went and found ourselves a travel inn hehe.

The ceremony was lovely and the reception was brilliant! Each table was sweet themed with different sweets for everyone. We were on the haribo starmix table (I love you Nich haha). We almost had a fire on our table as well with the little boy and or his Dad (he claimed it was James) putting the napkin on one of the tea lights hehe.

Sam, Joe’s brother, managed to get me involved in the best man’s speech which was nice to be asked but oh my god I am a shy person and I nearly died having to stand up in front of a room of people I didn’t know hehe. I was had to read the lyrics to you’ll never walk alone.

Near the end of the reception the DJ played some nice rocky and metaly type songs. It cleared the floor of the mum’s and aunts and the younger ones head a bit of a head bang.

One wedding reception to go next weekend, hmm I have no idea what I am going to buy Gaynor and John! Then the wedding marathon is over!

Work has been veeeeeeeeery busy. I now work for a new person who is very demanding which although means I barely have time to think it will do me good and get my training right up to speed.

They are also sending me out to our woolton office as well to help build up the family department there. I love going there it’s a nice peaceful village office and it’s just up the road!

I get my results this week. I was confident when I finished my exams. I am still confident about family law but I am managing to panic myself about family practice. The long wait is horrendous and I just can’t wait for that A4 envelope to pop through the door either Wednesday or Thursday.

I have to start reading land again for my re sit in October and then if I work hard enough I will be finished HOORAH! Oh god I reeeeeeeeally hope I pass it in October!

Well that will do for now as I am thirsty and I want to go and get a drink.

Next update in November hehe

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Booooo back to work tomorrow that smells.

I have been nice and awake between 6 and 8 each morning this week without the alarm going off, I bet tomorrow will be veeery hard to wake up.

I have had a fun time since the exams (read Tom's blog, I'm a lazy cow!) I have spent far too much money but convinced myself it was OK as I got a little bonus from work and saved some money by missing a couple of nights out.

I have also spent a lot of time playing Star wars battlefont II. Tom bought me it for a well done in getting through my exams. It's ace with lots of new things to do. Thank you Toooooom xxx

Ah well washing is on the line and it needs bringing in and adding to the mountain of ironing I am slowly trying to work through. I have no excuse for not doing it anymore!

Just 5 work days until the weekend WOOHOO hehe! It shall be a fun weekend as well!

I am babbling so I shall go.

tata and thank you for reading haha

P.S - This sunshone is lovely :)

Monday, May 29, 2006

oo so not updated in a while but I have been living in my own little world for a while.

I have finished college, no more classes ever ever ever! Well I say this but work keeps telling me that I will want to go on and get more qualifications ARGH I want them over with.

I have my exams next week. This time next week I will have completed one and one on Wednesday. Then a break for a few months and re-sit land bore, I really have to pass that and then qualify at Christmas, that would be a cool Christmas present to myself!!

Well the kitchen is finished, I love it so so much. I think Thomas and I need to have another party. A come see our kitchen and I have finished my exams hooray party hehe.

Work has been absolutely manic. We have had 5 fee earners off so juggling so much work between the people left most of it ended up on me and Gem and we were kid of getting pissed off until we got paid on Wednesday and they gave us a special bonus for being so great hehe so again work was great \o/

Only in work for 2 days this week and have so much crap to clear from my desk, I think I need to grow an extra pair of arms by tomorrow hehe.

I have let my hair down this weekend.

Friday we went into town for a meal and then to meet Gary and Georgina to watch X-Men 3 only Gary hadn’t booked the tickets when it was sold out hehe we went back to ours and they watched alien while I fell asleep on the bean bag :)

Saturday was Lee’s birthday night out. It was ten tonnes of fun. We met in lee’s for drinks and presents. We then went to the swan and had more drinks and good conversation, time seemed to fly by while in there and we only got the K just before 1. I accidentally had more drinks after saying to myself I was going to drink water when I got in there and danced away. My neck is still sore from dancing about. Each time I look up after reading my book my neck keeps clicking, it’s a horrible noise heh.

Last night was the karaoke. I was a little mopey after I decided to be sensible and stay in with my books for company although felt great at the amounts of work I got done. It sounded like much fun was had there also and damn I missed H singing, next time hey.

This weekend will be another one for fun. It’s Nichola’s hen do with a weekend at a spar, I am so so gutted I can’t go but I know I wouldn’t relax as I have an exam on the Monday.

We were also going to have an attempt at seeing X Men again and it’s Al’s birthday night out. It will be another fun weekend if my head hasn’t exploded by then :)

Luke and Ellie have had their second baby so congratulations to them :)

Ah well back to my revision, I’ve spent plenty of time typing them up and colour coding them, I just need to memorise them now heh.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Ah so I’ve not updated in such a long time.

The past 6 weeks have been a bit of a roller coaster emotionally for me.

Work has been absolutely manic!! End of financial year so partners have been standing over us making us bill all the clients so they have enough money to pay off their credit card bills pfft.

College work has increased ten fold. Might take a few days off work now that it is starting to quite down a bit and try and catch up on that. To be expected I suppose seeing as it is my final year.

Sadly a good friend of mine passed away. The funeral was lovely. It was on thornton crem and it was full to the brim and many left stood outside in the rain. One of closest friends got up and made a speech which left everyone my age laughing and crying at the same time and the rest of the people some what bemused. Colin was the best youth worker on this planet! After the crem we went to the pub and ended up back at one of the girls houses playing games that Colin taught us. The most favourite (and most messy) was hey harry which involved shaving foam, lots of laughter and a shaving foam fight at the end. I am sure it would be a send off Col would have been proud of!

Also had a bit of a scare with my grandma which had the doctors telling all the family to get to the hospital as she wasn’t going to last the week, yet two days after he said that she was eating jelly and ice cream and now they have released her from hospital. Never one to do the expected my grandma :)

Obviously I needed to let my hair down and forget about the stresses of life. So there have been a couple of lovely nights out. The most recent being the celebration of Lady H’s birthday a good change to get dressed up and boogie away. It was a fab night :)

Yesterday was mine and Tom’s 6 year anniversary together so we decided to book the day off work and do very little, it was fab. We strolled around town in the sunshine and then Tom took me to Yums on Bold Street for food and it was indeed Yum!

This Friday is our guitar hero party haha are we just grasping at random excuses to throw parties?? The neighbours that Al made put their house up for sale with his rendition of I believe in a thing called love by the darkness moved out last weekend so either a – we can be a little louder this time with no-one to annoy or b – Al scares off our new neighbours if they move in on Friday :)

I now need to spend the next 2 months concentrating on my college work so I do apologise if I ignore people but I don’t mean it I’ll see you all mid June :)

Thursday, March 02, 2006

weeeeee snow day!!

So I wake up today, stumble down stairs blurry eyed as I had to get up and hour earlier and shout blimey hehe sno0o0o0ow. I felt like a kid. Things awkward thing was to go out it it as I broke the heel on my boot I only had shoes and a dolly trolly to pull along behind me hehe luckily Tom was with me in the morning and pulled my trolly while I concentrated on not falling on my arse!

Its been a nice few weeks. We went to see Julia and Mike in their lovely house and ate jaffa cakes mmmm.

Spent a lot of time just chillin out which has been nice.

I have decided to give up crisps for lent which will be hard as I am a crisp addict and the world is against me. Walkes have now made their crisps healthier so last night while watching the telly in most ad breaks Gary Linekar was on there three times. Crisps, car, crisps, cleaning product, crisps ARGH!

Hmm I had tings to talk about but me being me I got distracted by something else and have forgotton so i shall leave it there.


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Hello folks.

Well I’ve had a couple of days of work having caught the dreaded lurgy. Feeling somewhat more human today and I am finally cooling down hoorah!

Since the last update I have worked super hard as I have to get all of this daft college work done! We also went to the Fozzy gig which was excellent. Chris Jericho is a fabulous show man.

Outside looked so lovely today, blue skies and bright sunshine shame it’s windy. Spring is drawing closer and I can’t wait for the days to start getting longer and warmer!!

I’m sat watching Romeo + Juliet. I was watching ER on Monday and John Leguizamo is a new doctor. I love him he’s great! My brain kept spouting out Romeo + Juliet quotes so hopefully now it will stop.

Hmm I was going to write a long post but I can’t be arsed now hehe

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Well I never won the euro millions last night so I decided I would blog about non millionairess things.

There has been a lot of talk in work about this week, someone somewhere realised that I potentially qualify this year ARGH! Need to pass my 2 exams in June and 1 in October and results on December 13th shall hold my fate!

I’ve not really though about qualifying I knew it was going to happen but never registered. Now I am scared, I like being a trainee faffing about randomly then getting by boss to sort hard stuff out but I can’t do that come December.

Part of me is saying ooooh its ages away December but then I think January is practically over it’ll be here before you know it.

In fear of actually being in charge of myself and a secretary and a share in helping the trainees I have spent about 5 ½ hours studying today haha

Work have some big plans for me apparently which I was rather excited about yesterday but today I’m going to put it all out of my head for now as knowing our place it’ll fall through so to save jinxing it I shall share all when they confirm it hehe.

I can’t really remember what I have been up to lately hehe I have a terrible memory this week. I remember last night we went to my aunties 40th which was nice save for the DJ was shite he kept playing the same songs Call on me is bad enough once but then to play it again about an hour later shoot that man!

Tomorrow is the Fozzy gig woo Tom’s really looking forward to that and it should be muchos fun!

I ordered Nip/Tuck season 1 this morning. I never watched the first 2 seasons but I have got into season three. It’s so weird and random and Julian McMahon is rather tasty hehe. Looking forward to that arriving so I have some telly to watch Saturday mornings.

Ooh yes yesterday morning was funny. Thank you to Merseyrail for giving me and Gem an hour sat in the tunnel to have a good natter rather than having to do work. Although I think we may have been the only people not arsed to be stuck there haha. The brakes on the train seized and they had a hard job getting them unseized and we sat there for ages. Some people were getting pissed off and started banging on the door were the guard should be except it was a six car train and the door they were banging on was just the end of car three heh and even when they were told there was no one in their they kept banging morons.

Ah well all this work has made me hungry so I might head downstairs to pester Tom and cook tea.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year Folks!

So firstly a little talk of December. Christmas was brill! Tom and I spent our first Christmas in our house and I cooked an AMAZING (haha) Christmas lunch. I was somewhat proud of myself for not burning things and for not giving us food poisoning. I decorated the table lovely and had a lovely time.

It was nice to go see everyone as well. We saw Luke, Ellie and baby, although not really a baby now she is so big now and soooo full of life she made me giggle so much! We popped to Toms mum and Dads Christmas evening to see his family which was lovely. Then Boxing Day went to see my mums family were a spent a few hours with people on my level my little cousins haha. It was fun playing this game my granddad had bought them were you have to shoot bottle and cans off the wall hehe but then I hid when they wanted me to play cricket thankfully they couldn’t find the bats!

Sat around and relaxed between Christmas and New Year which was nice to do nothing much at all other than read Harry Potter and eat chocolate.

Friday 30th was the evil girls night which was good but nothing really to write home about. It was just like a regular night out with fiends except a few girls strolling around in underwear heh, it emptied out pretty early and me and tom decided to have an early night rather than go to the K, save our energy for the next day.

So yaay New Years Eve. We got up early to make Skippy’s birthday prezzies. Tom did a fabulous job on the cake and my krispie cakes were rather popular haha. We also made her a rather spectacular card coloured in with glitter crayons and being such a wonderful artist I went outside the lines haha.

Early evening arrived and Julia and Mike came over and we headed off to Skips for a few drinkies before scooting into town for the nature boys party. It was fab! Their practice room was great although a little strange thinking I was above the court were I spend a lot of working time haha. Tom kept telling us stories of how this was a perfect horror film, gang of people drinking in an old building with a big locked iron gate haha!

The New Year was welcomed in and Birthday wishes to the lovely Skip and it was fab. Julia, Mike, Tom and myself left about 1.30 after a short walk we jumped in a taxi which wasn’t an absolute fortune as I expected it to be!

So that was the end of 2005 and 2006 is here, seems strange! But as most do a time to reflect on the year gone past. Last January I made the following resolutions:

1. Move in with Tom.

2. Lose a stone.

3. Be more outgoing.

I am quite proud to say I have kept them all! I am still quiet but not as quite as I was!

It has been a good year after all the trauma of the house buying we finally moved in some 4 months later than planned but we did it! It has been brilliant. We’ve not killed each other which must be a good sign. 8 months ago today we moved in. Went way passed the bets me and Tom made on how soon we would kill each other :)

Work is still going well, I almost feel shocked to write that. I work for a different person than I did this time last year and she is a lot harder to work for she makes me laugh and she is pretty cool.

Went to two great gigs this year. Korn and The Backstreet Boys.

I am 17% Emo.
Anti-Emo  ...hrmph.
Okay... so I'm not emo at all.. I am probably not even goth, because goths are just messed up emo kids... I am probably a metal head... or into boy bands...

hehe the backstreet boys concert was soo much fun. I went with my lovely friend Sarah and we had a scream, literally, we screamed ourselves horse!

Oo we also saw Fozzy they were sooo cool! Haha Tom wanted to go see them again when they play at the end of the month!

I have been so happy this year I think it has been one of the most trouble free happy years ever for me which seems strange as I know a lot of people haven’t had such good times. Although I think the fact I spent the end of January and most of February drugged up after my op left some lasting effects haha.

There have been some lovely times to share with my friends though.

My friend from work had a baby and he is sooo gorgeous with the longest eye lashes ever! Plus Luke and Ellie announced they are pregnant with their second \o/

Nichola has been happily planning her wedding which is so close now it seems so strange like it would take forever to come around! Plus two more friends got engaged yay to Gaynor! Gemma’s blokie proposed Christmas day! I have been wanting to go back to work all week so I can give her a hug and see the ring! People on the train tomorrow will wonder what the racket will be about as I bounce along it to join Gem haha

Tom and I also had an amazing trip to Philadelphia and saw Martin and his lovely wife Sharon. They seem so happy it was brilliant to see them!

To anyone that had a difficult time in 2005 hugs to you and here is hoping you all have a fabulous 2006 :)

So I have been thinking of what new years resolutions to make seeing as I did well last year but I have decided not to make any. I am happy and healthy and can’t think of any to make hehe

I hope I can remain this happy!

I also hope that 2006 will be a good year for you and yours
