Sunday, May 23, 2004

Well were to begin?
Had Thursday and Friday off t spend some time of with Tom before he starts his new job (Good Luck!) and Friday night we went back to mine because I have to get up and out so this bring us to the first tale.

Well we were sitting in the living room and tom asked if I had left a tap running. So I went to look and nothing, look in my bedroom and there was water drip drip dripping from the ceiling onto my bed. Luckily Tom was with me so we quickly got the bed into the hall and put buckets and bin bags over the place. It was pouring down outside and the roof in the corridor was leaking and running down the stairs so I though the flat upstairs roof was leaking. We ran upstairs and no answer from the door.
I rang riverside to get some help as the water was running at a steady pace at this stage through my ceiling instead of dripping. The stupid bint on the phone told me it wasn’t raining!!
I was chatting to Jackie downstairs and Tom had obviously got bored and gone back upstairs to the flat because he shouted down that the door was open, I ran up and we entered his flat and oh my god it was HORRIBLE! The bathroom light was on so Tom looked in there to see if there was a tap running, so glad it wasn’t me looking in there from how horrible he says it was.
Next we climbed over the junk on the floor to get to the bedroom were we find the sky light wide open (whoops) his bed was stained and minging and horrible *shudders*
Thank god we were here to sort it out or I’d be buying a new bed right now! Electrician man came out in the rain and turned the electrics off for me so I shall have to get him back to put them back on.

Why can I not afford to move!?!

Grandmas Birthday
Saturday was my Grandmas 70th birthday so me, my mum, my grandma and my granddad went to this lo0o0ovely Chinese restaurant! All you can eat for 6 squid. Soup to start with, then help yourself to the main courses and the side plates like the prawn crackers and then as much dessert as you want which was ice cream fruit and jelly mmMmm so0o full!! It was gorgeous and I want to go back!! It’s making me drool just thinking about how nice it was!

Bill Bailey
So so funny! He gave me belly ache! He is a genius! hehe I love him!!
The laminated book of dreams…
o0o I loved the Argos bit and of course his songs were class. Loved once, twice three times a lady! :)
For those of you that have seen it you will understand me. For those of you that haven’t buy the part troll DVD when it comes out!!
This brings me on to the Taliban…

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Back still sore so doc gave me stronger pain killers to see if it helps.

Decided to go to college today as it was the last lesson and I wanted to say good luck and goodbye to the girls as some are dropping out and some are going else were to study. Walked in and got chatting away and my friends said isn’t it worse that your form was found, at which point I was confused. College had decided to update the class on what was happening with me but didn’t tell me? Wankers. They thought the ILEX had found the form but I thought if ILEX found it they wouldn’t admit to it. Decided I couldn’t be bothered sitting there going through exam techniques and last minute nerves so I went home then later rang college to see what the hell was going on and they had found the form in the college un posted pfft although they still say they posted it and I got annoyed and told her it was utter rubbish as if the form was found then it wasn’t bloody posted, fuckers.

Put me in a bad mood grr at least it’s the weekend and I get to spend it all with Tom :)

Well done a brand spanking new job, so proud of you! That first pay cheque will be nice for you and you can think long and hard what you’re going to buy me :)

Right, I will NOT look at estate agents websites tonight. No sireeee bob, already miserable enough for one day.

You're Little Miss Sunshine! :D You're very
cheerful! Good for you!

Which Little Miss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Well the weekend was good. Saturday chilling and Sunday car bootin as you’ve probably read on Tom’s blog. Was a lovely weekend until I was going home.
Got on the bus and was staring through the window boredly as per and all of a sudden there were screeches brakes, smoke from tyres skidding on the floor and a nice jolt to my back. What happened according to the people who saw it was there was a parked car on the other side of the road, a car coming along moved over slightly to over take it which was fine as there was plenty of room but then some twat coming behind it thought it would be a good idea to over take the car overtaking the parked car. Everyone slammed on apart from the twat who just sped off chuh

Been in pain and can’t sit still or in one position for any length of time. Went docs this morning and she said I may have just pulled a muscle or torn the ligaments or summit and to go away and if it still hurts to go back Friday for stronger painkillers. Then go the following Friday if it’s still sore to see where to go from there. Hope it miraculously feels great tomorrow hehe

Back to torturing myself about buying a house. Fell in love with one I saw on the net and I wanted it despite it being double my budget and then one day it vanished and I was sorta sad then the next day I was fine as I can’t afford it anyway, but it’s back! I want that house! Still same price but now it has a picture of the garden and it’s lovely and I want it more! I hate the way it says ideal for first time buyers :( Fucking rich first time buyers at 128k Aaaaah Well!

Right off to plan more money making schemes before it vanishes again hehe

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Love new office!! It will be even better once it is fininished hehe They are still painting and sorting out the lights. The whole office needs recableing and our IT lady blamed the blokes that did it. A different company came around today to inspect it and told us that they had what they ordered and asked for, the haven't got a clue what they're doing. This gave us a laugh because we all say they're shite :)

I love my new desk and my new phone and my own space. I think Helen has probably seen more of me in the past two days than she did in a week in the old place hehe. I can go in when I need something which is quite often.

I had to see a client today to do something that in theory is quite easy, just filling in a divorce petition and a few other forms but ooooh nooo so bloody complecated! He's not even sure if his marriage is valid and I know fuck all hehe Aah well twas a learning experience.

Fingers crossed for Tom after his interview xxx

Monday, May 03, 2004

So tired now. Been working for ten hours trying to sort the office out. It looks great! Clean and new and bright and we have windows!! wo0o0o!!

The place isn't actually finished yet. There are still cables hanging about, 1/4 of computers don't work and half the phones don't work. Unluckily both my phone and computer work so no excuses tomorrow for not working :) The tables for the interview rooms didn't arrive on Friday and the boss seemed quite shocked that there were clients booked into the rooms tomorrow heh They have shoved some crappy tables in that don't fit anything on really heh

The only thing that will let the place down when it is finally finished is the loos. They smell and ming and locks don't work. Although we found a nice set on the sixth floor, bit of a bugger that we are on the ground floor hehe.

Can't wait to go to work tomorrow to a lovely clean office. Plus get to play on the fancy new phones. They will work through our computers when they get their arses into gear o0o0o

Would quite like my bed now but 8 is too early to go to sleep :)

Sunday, May 02, 2004

o0o I love my weekends now! No more sitting around on my own doing nothing much or going into town alone. i get to sit aound doing nothing much with Tom and its great!

Can't wait to go to work tomorrow. It will be the first time we see our new offices and find out were everyone is sitting. Canna wait to unpack, oo reminds me need to check train and bus times.

Right times checked but Tom is trying to talk me through how to unzip things so I can play sonic hehehe