Wednesday, April 27, 2005

House House House House House hahahha

Been extremely hyper lately but that’s not surprising as we finally have the house !!

Went in on Friday and it was filthy so we spent Saturday morning shopping for cleaning products and Saturday afternoon scrubbing the place from top to bottom, even managed to get my mum in on the cleaning hehe

There are more things that need to doing in the house than first thought but then that is to be expected. The people before us obviously thought they knew how to do the electrics but they never, left it in a bit of a mess but luckily for me my mums blokie is a qualified electrician which I never knew because he installs and fixes big screens and video screens in pubs (he did the video wall on the stairs in the K hehe) anyho0o0o he’s going to fix it for us and I’ll have to sell my electric cooker and buy a gas one so I’ll be able to get a nice built in one that fits perfectly in my pretty kitchen

We actually get to move in on Sunday HOORAY! o0o I really can’t wait it’s going to be cool! Really need to get the packing sorted but it is sooooo boring I’ll probably enjoy it more on Saturday hehe

There is life outside the house.

Saturday we went to a wee party at Lee’s despite fighting to stay awake it was fuuun, it’s always nice to see everyone had a nice chat with skippy and caroline about housey things so no one is able to escape it really.

Exams are looming and until today I have managed to sit in my own world and ignore them but in college today we all realised how little we actually know and panicked somewhat. I’ve ordered a revision manual in the hope if I can cram on that there is some hope.

A girl I work with started doing the same course this year, she has been signed off with stress due to the exams god help her when she gets to third year !

Think I am getting this stupid bug that’s going around. Had strange feeling in my stomach for a few days and getting a little snotty I think it’s just my total hyperactivness that is keeping me from feeling really rubbish.

Ah well I have empty boxes that need to be filled because for some reason they just won’t fill themselves!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

#Oh My Gosh#

oo yay tomorrow is the day we get the keys it's rather cool :) The money actually came in a day early so I was again bouncing around the office because I watched aaaaall of the house pennies go into client account and tomorrow there won't be any delays at all, I will probably spend the morning staring at the screen waiting for the money to go out hehe

Work has been strange, my old boss has been quite funny with me and the solicitor I work for now. People have been telling me that new boss has been singing my praises so I've been getting a big head :) So between us we have decided she's being funny with us because she gave me away and as the song goes #you don't know what you've got till it's gone# hehe Old boss's room is an absolute mess and I did feel quite sorry for her today but I had lots of work today so didn't tidy it

o0o0o House hehehe

t'was my mum's birthday today so yay for her and yay for H's mum and my friends dad and the Queen hehe

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Monday, April 18, 2005

o0o0o been bouncing around work like a lo0on today still so excited about the house, doesn't help me stay calm when other people start getting excited for me hehe

Friday can't come fast enough! Thank god it's a really busy week in work to keep me occupied!

I rang riverside to tell them I was leaving and my letter was in the post, we've got a new housing officer so I was having a natter with him and he said he would let me off with 2 weeks rent as long as I got my keys to him before 12 on Tuesday 3 May, what a time to get a decent housing officer! That's cool so saves me paying £110 which I can spend on pretty house things.

It's a pain that the move has taken so long, really need to get my head down for my exams so I can't pull the place apart until after them really. Also think we'll leave the party until the Saturday after my exams, so possible date is Saturday 11 June so keep that day free kids :)

Ah well I can't sit here all night, I have packing to do WOOHOO!

Thursday, April 14, 2005


We have been given a completeion date!! WOW Friday 22 April (if things go well!) we can go collect our keys wo0o0o ho0o0o


*fingers crossed it all goes to plan* hehehe

Monday, April 04, 2005

Well I have had a lovely weekend.

Tom and I pootled up to Durham for the blessing. It was lovely to see Ellie and Luke and the baby is goooooorgeous, want one hehehe. The nappies, puke and dribble made me want one more which is weird. Hmm can’t wait for this broody feeling to go away!!

Before the blessing I took myself off for a walk around where they live and it’s beautiful, everyone was so nice saying good morning as I strolled along, I wish I lived somewhere like that, I’d probably be a lot fitter too hehe.

The blessing was lovely and she was so well behaved and there was a little do afterwards with cake mmmm luckily I sat with Luke’s sister who loves cake just as much so we didn’t feel piggy going to be one of the first to dig into them hehe

The do was in a room in the church and they had covered a sign up so it read “suffer little children” with a picture of Jesus below hehe Tom pointed it out, trust him to spot it.

We got back this afternoon and when I got back in there was a message from venmores chasing me again about this house, I can’t wait to move, not just to get out of here but to get venmores off my back! The sellers are back from holiday now and went to see their solicitors today to deal with the queries we had, venmores wanted to know if we were happy but their solicitors haven’t got in touch yet, maybe tomorrow \o/

To my lubberly twinner who isn’t even in this country


Sorry it’s late but I’m a wee bit dizzy :D