Thursday, April 29, 2004

Tiiiired now. Worked from 8am to 6.30pm so much to do. Why does the world not understand that the office is moving and should stop until next week? Hehe

We are supposed to be moving from tomorrow afternoon but when some of the girls snuck over last night there was still cables hanging form the ceiling heh

We found the seating plan today. Most people are in groups of 4 except me I am 1 of 2. Luckily it’s with a nice person but she is also called Gemma so that’s a great way to confuse everyone :)

Can’t wait! No more 70s carpets, fleas, manky walls and 6 inches of dust! Also as much as I like and respect Helen I don’t have to share a room with her any more!! YAY

I was woken up this morning with a shock thinking we were being bombed by Iraq (that’s what comes of falling asleep watching Huw talking about the war) luckily we weren’t being bombed it was a pillock with a skip. He was dropping it off but was having difficulties trying to get the skip on the ground BOOM BOOM BOOM bastard heh.

Everyone is still having babies. When one person has thiers someone else gets preggers. Rachel’s baby that was a boy then a girl is now an unknown heh. She is due is 4 weeks and wants her boyfriend to decorate the nursery before he scoots off o Athens to try and qualify for the Olympics o0o0o, but she can’t decide how to decorate until she knows the sex.

Well done to Tom for getting an interview, fingers, toes, legs, eyes crossed xx

Monday, April 26, 2004

Well the countdown is on for the big office move. We move premises on Friday so we’re packing like mad and throwing the shite away. o0o0o its quite exciting. It will be very nice to get to sit outside with the girls rather than share a room with a scary partner heh

Had a lovely afternoon. My boss got tied up and was due to organise an adoption in the afternoon, because she was busy I had to run over to court and do it. It was so lovely and I felt really proud because it was my first one and I even got a thank you from the judge :) It’s so lovely to make a whole family happy.

Had a lovely weekend. Less bleurgh but I was being very thick. My brain wasn’t switched on and all I really needed to do was sleep.
Friday we went to the swan, didn’t have as much fun as I should have due to bleurgness. Saturday we chilled and Sunday we ate ice cream :) It’s so nice getting to spend time with Tom.

Well that will do for now tata xx

Thursday, April 22, 2004

What a gorgous day!

I am supposed to be sat in college now doing the revision lessons and I decided to sack it off, I mean whats the point really? Not entered for my exams so I shall just do my own in September hehe

Been shopping and spent money on crap no I am home with the window open the blinds open and the music on loud. This sunshine better still be here for the weekend so I can enjoy running about in it instead of looking out for work people and being caught skiving :)

Still feeling bleugh but the sunshine makes me smile, the shooting pains in my ears take it off mind hehe I might go tell the doc he has to send me back to the Royal and let them poke the ears, hurts but after a week or so I can hear really clearly. Damn perferated ear drums, I want them syringing but I can't and everyone says how lovely it feels when its finished.

Ah weel feel in to mood for dancing around my livingroom to loid music and wait for Mr Tom to come see me after his pizza.

Monday, April 19, 2004


Sunday, April 18, 2004

OK, think I have a solution to this not being able to afford a house because some money grabbing bugger made the prices go really high. What I am going to do is get a copy of britains rich list thing and write to them all and tell them they need to send me a grand each. Its not like they'd miss it. 1k is like sunglasses or something chuh.

Do you reckon it would work?

Urgh think I am getting a cold thing boo, rather snotty atm and had a sore throat all day, can't be arsed with a cold mutter

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Our firm is moving premesis in 2 1/2 weeks, it's quite exciting to think soon we will be in a lovely new clean office. Only thing is now we are clearing like mad to get rid of all the crap that has built up over the few decades or so they have had the building and it's really dusty and horrible and its given me a rash on my arm and it's really itchy and i want to scratch it so0o much!!

The plans for the new place look great, it's a lot smaller than were we are now but they have got us all lovely new desks that will actually give us room to work on and everyone has brand new chairs to play with \o/

Must keep typing so that I can't itch...

Pigeons. They're just not as scared of people as they used to be. You're supposed to be able to stamp your foot and it flies off out of your way but they just wander about in the way, horrible things. I wonder if you could kick one now they don't move, probably couldn't.

Fallen in love with a house and I want it. Only problem I have is that it is double the amount anyone will lend me and another 8 grand on top of that hehe. It's nice to wish though :)

Hmm I fancy a lovely slice of cheese cake now, I cool peice mmm *dribble*

Monday, April 12, 2004

Quick update of the week. Monday I made someone cry before 9am and I was ever so pleased with myself, every time I saw her for the rest of the day it made me smile. I felt a bit mean at first but the two people who heard the conversation said she was being a stupid bitch and I hadn’t actually done anything, which I hadn’t!

Big hugs to Tom for being jobless :( It’s sad but happy at the same time. I’m sure you’ll find a new job soon as you’re great and in the meantime we can enjoy spending some time together.
I have lost my little law project now he doesn’t work in the playhouse. I think they broke every employment law going so I wanted to sue them for it so I could practice being a legal type in a different area of law, would have been fun.

Still no news on this possible chance of doing my exams in May, I think the woman who said she would try is avoiding me heh

I have had a lovely weekend.
As everyone probably already knows it was our 4 year anniversary on Saturday and we got to spend time together. Wondered around the Ocean plaza and fun land for a bit and ended up in Southport zoo making friends with Sid the duck and the monkeys. All the animals were really friendly. Bloke was funny when we were pulling faces at a monkey and he was pulling them back, bloke said to Tom, it’s a mirror you know :)

In the night we went to watch Shaun of the dead, was a funny film, everyone should go see it!

Sunday morning we went for a walk down to the beach and chilled down there. it’s funny to think I live five minutes from the beach, it’s so peaceful down there. Then the afternoon we wondered around Southport town centre. Today we wandered around Southport again. It’s so nice to actually get to spend time together just walking about.

Shame it’s back to work tomorrow, bring on next weekend!!

Love you Tom

Sunday, April 04, 2004

Well shitty end to a rather shitty week. All shall explained on DDevils blog when he gets a chance to do it.

Continued my great show of non stop crying a stupid things last night. We were watching Futurama last night to cheer ourselves up and then I started crying at a rather sad bit. I can sort of justify it by saying I am girly but it was bloody Futurama! Hehe

Took some of stress out by shouting at some persil washing tablets this morning. I bought a box of 20 and there was only 19 in it, how annoying! hehe

Nothing else to say really so as I am terribly bored I think I might go and update twins blog heh.

Friday, April 02, 2004

Firstly Happy Birthday Katieoeoeo0o0o!!

Well I went to college yesterday to find out what is going on and she doesn’t know basically. They lost another girls entry form as well but have recently found that filed away instead of posted off, twats, but no sign of mine. Lady in college says she has contacts and will see what she can do but I won’t be holding my breath. Didn’t stay after this chat as someone said exam and I started the waterworks again. Fed up of crying now. It’s all I seem to have done over the past two weeks for one reason or another.
Anyho0o0o0o the lady rang me today and left a message saying she had left a message with ILEX and no one had got back to her but she will ring on Monday. We shall see. Suppose if I accept the worst I won’t be disappointed when this ting chance fails and over the moon if it does come through…

Been contemplating buying a new mobile phone. I quite fancy a Motorola V300. Nice and bloo with a built in camera and nice polyphonicy stuffs. Would be nice to have one but it makes me feel a bit sick paying £150 just for a phone heh!

I was at the bus stop today and there was a man sat there happily chatting and laughing away to himself. At first I thought he may have been on a hands free mobile but he wasn’t. This got me to thinking that I wouldn’t mind being a mental patient. Laughing away to myself. Never short of someone to talk too. People to look after me and feed me. A nice sound proofed room so I canna here the screaming of the other noisey mental patients. Aaah bliss!