Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Hello everyone, my name is Gemma and I have been electric shock free for three days!! YAY!! Not changed anything to make myself less staticy. Just must have been something in the air.

My arm doesn’t really hurt so much any more but it looks horrible, all purple and red with normal bruise colour around it. GO GIVE BLOOD EVERYONE :)

We are having a wear want you want day at work on Friday for charity so people can wear Halloween things and me and someone else had a little moan because we have to wear our suits as we are in court and someone said “just wear short sleeves, your arm is good for Halloween” meanies.

YAY half term this week so I have had a nice evening in and tomorrow I get the afternoon off work to do some law type college work, which soooo will not be done heh

Hot nowt to write really ah well

Katie g’wan go get a blog :)


My inner child is ten years old today

My inner child is ten years old!

The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether
I'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost
in a good book, or giggling with my best
friend, I live in a world apart, one full of
adventure and wonder and other stuff adults
don't understand.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, October 26, 2003

I have been full of static all week and it's really annoying me. I am a staticy person anyway and often get shocks from escalators and the doors to the SBC cinema but this week my hair has been floating about and I can't push the button for the lift in work without getting a shock and its pissing me off.
Anyone know how to stop being so staticy?? Please I need help!!!

Well I went to give blood again yesterday, I wasn’t as scared as I was last time, but I should have been. Quite happily sitting there wiggling my fingers to make the blood flow out and my vein collapsed. I ended up having a big pad on my arm and then a bandage around it. Bloody hurt!

Tom came over last night \o/ He was playing on his gameboy so I thought I would pester him by putting my feet in front of it so he would die (really should have thought what to block his view with!) He put his gameboy down, grabbed my foot and tickled ARGH! I am a very ticklish person and I hate people touching my feet so as a natural reaction so Tom grabbing my foot and tickling it and smacked him with my sore arm OUCH! Hehe I sat laughing and half crying with ouchiness.

My arm is a lot better today, still achy but it only has a little bruise on it \o/

YAY just gone two months until Christmas!! NO BAH HUMBING!! Hehe
Tom get thinking about what you want for crimble!

Work have decided that we have to go in one day between Christmas and new years bah, it's a Friday as well hehe but to make it better for us we can go in our own clothes WOOPEE!! Heh It’s because we are moving premises in spring and they see it as a day where we can tidy the office bleugh

Friday, October 24, 2003

It has been a busy week in work, but it has been really enjoyable!
I've learnt lots this week and I really like family law, even if I did say I didn’t want to do it because of the stress everyone in family department was always under.
I saw an adoption finish today and it was really nice, the new parents had brought all of their family and they were going out to celebrate tonight, it was lovely and everyone was crying heh. It must seemed so satisfying to have a case were the end is happy, I might look into adoption more.

I’m off to give blood again tomorrow but I’m not going to be as scared this time, even if you do have to have a horrible big needle in your arm taking a pint of blood out of me *shudder* hehe

I had loads to say but I have forgotten it now, ah well!


?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, October 18, 2003

Oh yes

Katie you dirty minded wench ;p

DF you can bugger off with Leon hehe

Well got a lot to blog today! Serves me right for not doing it regularly!

Tom and I had a lovely few days away in Durham visiting friends. It was lovely a green and I really didn’t want to come home! It was fab having some time away from Liverpool.
We spent lovely day looking around Durham, great exercise walking up and down all the hilly roads! We had a look around the Cathedral as well which was lovely.
On the Friday night we had a party tea to celebrate Tom and Luke getting old *giggles*
I really want to go back, so peaceful and greeeen!!

Well last Saturday was Tom’s birthday and he as the grand young age of 24!
We woke up in Durham but he had to wait for his prezzies hehe. Opened his prezzies and then drove us home (BOO)
We went into Liverpool to celebrate. Started in the Swan the moved on to the Kray. Had fun dancing away even if the bloke in charge of the strobe light needed a good kicking!

Not very often you will hear me say this, but I am really enjoying work! Even when they do send me over on my own when our client is a lunatic drug addict! She started off pretty lucid first thing in the morning but got progressively worse as the morning went on, when it was time to go into court she was awful then started screaming in the middle of the hearing. I ended up dragging her out of the court room while she was screaming at the other parties! At least it brightens the week up!
It was also my case in the High Court this week, no one really cares but it was really interesting heh. The court are trying to plan hearings when there is a High Court Judge sitting in Liverpool but it may be hard near the end of the year so I might get a trip to Manchester yay

Julia – my thoughts are with you and your family. xx

I was sure there was more than that.
Ah well


Wednesday, October 08, 2003

MmmMmm I think last night and today I have put on half the weight that I have lost over the past few weeks meh! But it was well worth it!!

Tom came over last night and we decided to order Pizza Mmm and chocolate cake for dessert! We had a bottle of wine and watched a video it was a lovely night.

Today we wandered into Southport and Tom introduced me to the fabulous world of Shakers! I had a skittles milkshake with jelly tots floating in it (well I say floating, I really mean sunk at the bottom)!! Yummy!!

Whoop whoop going away tomorrow yay! We are going up to Durham to see Luke and Ellie. I am really looking forward to getting away from Liverpool and away from this flat! We’re camping in the gym! *giggles*

Tom’s birthday on Saturday! His presents are wrapped (in the way only I can do it! Crap!) and sat in my bag. Can’t wait to give him one. I told Katie part of it and apparently I rock :) I just Tom likes it as much as I do hehe
Really looking forward to night out in town!

As for the colour of my blog, Leon is out voted so :p *blows raspberries* As I have said before, get sunglasses :)

Right off to check that I have packed everything for the twentieth time hehe

Monday, October 06, 2003

YAY it’s Monday and I’m not in work whoop whoop!
Although I had a wasted day :(
I need a new fire and back boiler and then men were supposed to come and put them in today but even though it was booked in they forgot to write it in their book so I was forgotten about cuh. Plus even though we were told it was a one day job it actually takes two *sigh* so they are now going to take my old fire and back boiler away and put a new boiler in on 20th Oct but not booked a day to put new fire in and its got freeeeeezing!
So day one of holiday wasted, not that I would have done anything anyway as I am full of cold and it was pouring down, but the choice to do something would have been there!! hehe

Mr Tom and I are off to Durham on Thursday for a few days YAY! I really can’t wait. A nice trip away from here will be fabulous!

I have had a complaint about the colour of my blog :( Apparently it's too bright! *glares at leon* But it has to be yellow otherwise its just not meeeee, but hey if you peeps thinks its too bright let me know by clicking the email link thing over there --> somewhere and I could change it to a more eye pleasing shade.

Sunday, October 05, 2003

New job, new hair and new blog \o/

This blog will probably change in appearance. Not happy with the way it looks. They only a few templates to choose from so I had to pick one and make it bright yellow the way it should be!

Work finally gave me the job I deserve. Woohoo! I am now a family clerk, being trained by one of our partners and one of the most respected women to deal with child law. I knew she was good because she was offered the Internet Babies case but being sent out to court and introducing myself as her clerk barristers are impressed. Barristers also ring our office for her advice! It's great and very exciting that I am being taught by one of the best!
They have chucked me in at the deep scary but great! Stupid cow old boss *spit* said I wouldn't be doing anything for the first 4 - 6 months but o0o0oh no! Got sent to court on my second day :) Plus the very first case that I get to work through with her is going to the High Court yaay, ok I get excited about this and no one gets it unless they work with me or go to college with me, but yaaaaay!

My fringe has been annoying me for the last few months as it needs a trim every fortnight so I went to go see my lovely hairdresser to ask her to thin it and she decided it would be nice to grow my fringe out. Been doing it for a few weeks and its nice and long but at a really annoying length, I can't do anything with it other than clip it back, which is ok when I am at home but I don't suit my fringe right off my face hehe
Hoping it will be long enough to put behind my ear by Christmas then I want to put some thin highlights in it.

Been back to college for a few weeks now hoorah. There are only 6 people in my law class now but 12 in practise. Practise is annoying though because there a four girls who were good friends last year and over the summer they all managed to get jobs for the same firm and it has got them a lot closer, which is great, but they don't like our lecturer, we had her last year she has a little trouble in reading books and tends to go off on tangents but she got all but one of us through last year (the one not getting through being one of these girls), they all failed there law exam last year so maybe its just me but I thought they might want to get their heads down and work, but they sit at the back talking and laughing through the lesson and it really annoys me! It annoys Pat as well, you can see it in her face but she won't tell them to shut up.
Moan over hehe
I have also started a computer course too \o/ OCR Text Processing level 2 (used to be RSA) its not helping me type any better hehe and word is very good but it doesn't help that it autocorrects me typing the wrong hehe

Think I will go look for little pictures to stick in my blog to make it look a little nicer.
