Friday, November 28, 2003

OMG I almost forgot about ASDA! hehehehehehe
*I am a weirdo!*

Can I just start off by saying how great and fantabulous Tom is! You’re great babe :)

It’s almost the count down the Christmas!! Count down doesn’t start until the lights go up on the corn factory. I’ve been making sure I get a bus home that goes past it so I can see, big kid I am :)
Advent calendars were on offer by the shop in work today so we all went round and bought a load, once again big kid :)
We’re decorating our floor on Monday, it’s going to be lovely !!
I loves Christmas I do hehe
Got all but one present sorted \o/ Going to be organised!

Been really forgetful over the past week. My flat should have burnt down by now. I have left my fire on three times and left my oven on over night. Aren’t I clever!
Went to get the bus yesterday and stood at the wrong shop and wondered why the buses were stopping two stops up hehe
Hoping it’s just a bad week and not the start of something bad.
I decided it was the bloke downstairs fault. Messing with my sleep pattern and making my head all funny, gonna chop his man bits off!

Been really slow to get on to things lately. Tom told me a funny joke the other day about George bush and Country. If you don’t know it ask Tom, it’s funny. If you do know it, took me a good few minutes to figure out why it was funny hehe

Also don’t understand the McDonalds Bill Board advertisements. Bill Lickers will be prosecuted… ???

Nichola and Motti are off to see Eddie Izzard tonight, lucky buggers. I want to go see a live comedy show, I love to laugh. (#ha ha ha ha Loud and loooong and cleeeear!)

Katie, you’re crap update your blog once in a while wench! :p
Jo0olia, you’re blog is looking vay swish with it’s new look.
Tom, that sim playhouse is fuuunny :)
I was going to put links there but that's too much like hard work, links are already over there --> :)

That’s it for now
Love the laydee losing her marbles

Sunday, November 23, 2003

Had a fair bit to write in my blog today but I have forgotten it. In too much of a bad mood :(

Been fed up for a few days and twatface downstairs just topped it all off last night. Well 4.30am to be accurate. Not only was it his nice loud music thump thump thumping away but HAMMERING! Tell you where I’d like to stick his hammer.

He ignored me the first time I went down. Second time he never. Knocked politely first, then took the yellow pages to the door, then I wrapped my hand in my dressings gown and banged on his door constantly until he answered heh really hurt my hand though!
Said I was complaining and he said he didn’t care. Complaining won’t do any good though, Riverside are shite. When I complain tomorrow I’m going to tell them I am seeking legal advice and see if that makes them move their arses. Nice thing about me seeking legal advice is just me going downstairs in work and having a nice chat with my friend Laura heh

OO I think I have done well not to swear to much while typing this, in my head evry other word was fucking :)

On a good note my fabulous boyfriend Mr Tom gave me his playstation yesterday wo0oho0o. Been playing Kingdom hearts today, it’s great! Also, Rugby yesterday was fantastic! YAY Engerland!

Monday, November 17, 2003

Is it nearly Spring yet? What do you mean it's not even winter!?!

Laughed in work today, one of the girls in work was saying that she is going to a heavy metal gig on Friday and had standing tickets and didn't want to be in a mosh pit. I told her it was at the front and she could easily be far away from it. I then asked who the heavy metal band were... Linkin Park hehehe

I have decided to become a best selling writer so I don't have to work full time. I made a start today and wrote two different first lines :) yay *giggles*

Back to work today BOO, shattered in the afternoon without my little midday nap :( Only been off three days and missed lots of fun and gossip! Cuh! On Wednesday someone came to work, decided he had enough and walked out!! Fuuuuun! I'd love to do that hehe. Someone else who I really like has handed his notice in aswell :(

Ah well off to write my best seller now hehehe (I wish!) Mills and Boon book mebbe, do they pay well??


OO R YA!?!?!?

Sunday, November 16, 2003

Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles!

Friday, November 14, 2003


started my christmas shopping today! I am so0o0o0o going to be organised this year! I know what I am buying for mt mum so I may go buy that tomorrow and cross her off my list!

Joined the stoodent union again today yay for discounts!
Dragged Tom out in the lo0o0ovely wind and rain so he had a good moan hehe. Bought some CD writer disks thingies and I am currently downloading a programme thingy so Tom can teach me how to use the CD writer I have had for a good three years :)

Hmmm i want broadband, downloading things takes to long and its boring.

Ah well

YAY to Mr Tom for winning a Playstation2 on Ri:se! Even if he did wake me up to tell me to watch the elly just incase hehe but YAY! Thats means I get his old broken PS2 yay dance mat game here I come!! I just need him to win a gamecube now because I love Gamecube games.

Tom bougt Mario Karts over and it's FAB! I especially like the co-operative level because I have a change of coming first then as Tom is drivng hehe. He is currently playing F-Zero looks for to scary and fast for me!

I am feeling muchos better now, not talking for 24 hours or so is a killer!! It still sort of hurt to talk yesterday but I couldn't shut myself up hehe

o0o0o I bougt a brand new toaster yesterday and it's all fancy, I really can't wait until Tom gets hungry and wants his breakfast, ooh yay he wants it now hehee

Don't you know it's rude to read over peoples shoulder Tom hehehe

Have a nice day peepholes

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Been sent home from work sick bo0o0o! My boss told me to go home at about 10.30 and I said now. Me... saying no to time off work... I really must be ill hehe!!
I finished my work by ne and my boss wouldn't give me anymore and told me to go home so I gave in and came home. hehe
I can't talk though gah (Nice peaceful night for Tom)! It's not that I have lost my voice, it just hurts to talk so I have decided that will drive me completely insane not talking so I am going to the doctors soon. Just trying to keep myself awake!

Although I may have to take a day off tomorrow if DDevils day off is then hehe

mutter mutter whinge moan self pity hehe


What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, November 10, 2003

I just have to say that I love those Horlicks adverts, especially the bus one!! hehe

Very busy day today so I am shattered, fell asleep on the bus hehe so I am going to get an early night.

PS: Tom - you are BAD!

Sunday, November 09, 2003

Time on my hands could be time spent with you
Laughing like children, living like lovers
Rolling like thunder under the covers
And I guess that’s why they call it the blues

Firstly, YAY to DDevil for being smart and talented and getting his reviews posted on websites and yay for the Star Review!! (also mini yay to me for buying that game hehe)

Work had been planning a quiz night for a while and I wasn’t going to go because I don’t usually go to work things. At the end of the day I was talked into going and I had a great time. Got very drunk though :s hehe. But yay our team came second!!! Even if I did cheat my getting DD to text me an answer hehe. But then everyone was cheating. People were sneaking in and out of the pub with their telephones. One bloke even took his phone AND the question sheet!! I mean come on, at least try and hide it!

Nichola came over yesterday and I had a lovely day. I went and showed her the glamour that is Bootle hehe. But we went to Woolies and got Pick n Mix YUM and came back here and watched Lion King! #Hakuna Matata#
Last night I got my Mr Tom all to myself, which I love!! We watched Red Dwarf series three, I love that programme :)

Glad I have had a nice few days. Feeling miserable at the moment :( I hate living here, bloke downstairs is a complete and utter tit. I’ve already complained about him and will be doing so again tomorrow. Loud music, banging about, buzzing the bell at stupid hours of the morning. It messed my sleeping pattern up all week so I have been grumpy and I hate being grumpy. I am the smiley one of the office not the one that snaps at anything cuh. Been looking for a little house to buy but property prices are beyond a joke! Although prices in Spain are really good. I might learn Spanish and do Spanish law and bugger off there hehe

Ah well enough of my moaning

You are Aurora from Sleeping Beauty!

What Disney Princess are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, November 02, 2003


Halloween on Friday and I got to go trick or treating YAY! Blokie in court had a bowl of sweetie hidden behind his desk so I got a lollipop, we warned me not to eat it if I had to go back into court, found out why today. Turns your moth BRIGHT RED! Hehe

Katie got a blog yay, go see it.

Went to see Kill Bill last night, it was fabulous.
Was a bit nervous as people had said it was too gruesome and people were leaving and feeling really sick but I think they were winding me up something rotten because I jumped in Finding Nemo hehe.
It wasn’t too gruesome, some bits where sick and Uma Thurman has funny feet. Hehe
It is excellent so everyone should go see it!

Got my copy of Lion King YAY and my ickle Simba beeny. Had a nice time watching it on a Saturday and singing a long like the kiddie I am!

Ah well off to dream about a holiday in the sunshine now