Saturday, January 31, 2004

Little note to myself and to people coming to see Bill Bailey with me (WOOHOO!) the tickets are under the eeyore biscuit barrel!!
Leaving things with me to look after for such a long time in DANGEREOUS ow!

Still feeling sorry for myself.
Shoulders and arms hurt from lifting the boxes yesterday and I can't brush the left side of my hair because it hurts, nice lump heh

I watched Labrynth today to cheer myself up!

You remind me of the babe
What babe?
The babe with the power
What power?
power of voodoo
Who do?
You do
Do what?
remind me of the babe.

I wonder what was going on yesterday. Lots of people had accidents yesterday. I blame one of the girls in work, she brought the exorcist into work yesterday and said lots of bad things would happen and they did.

Friday, January 30, 2004

Fiiinally the weekend.
Not a very good day today.
I was moving boxes today and I had to load them onto a metal trolly to push them about and the cardboard handle on the box broke and took me half way down with it, the box hit the trolly and made it go backwards but instead of falling over it came back up and whacked me on the head.
Been sore all day :( They sent me home early though which would have been nice but I was in Woolton and went home with all the schoolies and it took me aaaages.

Was going to go swimming tomorrow but I’m shattered after shifting boxes so I guess I might just have to have a lie in and watch some telly hehe Having a cold and not being able to breath might make it a little difficult also.

One thing that has made me smile today it this. You must ALL go watch it :)
Where can you see lions??

Thursday, January 29, 2004

WooHoo!! Friday tomorrow!!

Finally started family law today in college \o/ I may actually understand the work I do in a few weeks :)
Passed both of my mocks, which was quite a shock really but wahey! Half wished I had failed one to give me a kick up the arse to actually do the work and go to class heh.

I was late today becausse I ran into Rachel the ickle fatty hehe she said she was going to come and read this but I doubt it a lot, not sure she even knows how to turn a computer on!! (If you do get here Rach wuuuv you fatty xx)

Where is the snow? WHERE!?!? Damn all you peole with the sticky on the floor snow, I want it!! Katie said I will get some but the man on the news said it's all going the thaw tomorrow BAH!

Did I mention I am going to see Bill Bailey?? :) It's crap I can't talk about it in work or college, I say I'm going to see him and they say Who's he?? chuh but anyho0o0o *does I'm going to see Bill Bailey dance* Yes Yes I know its months away!

Who wants to buy me a house?? I'm sure some random millionaire may read this and feel sorry for me and buy me a lovely house, I only want a ickle one, just pocket change to a millionaire :)
I can dream :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Well after most people telling me not to I ignored them and reported the fact I had cracked the window to Riverside. He has made it bigger himself so I pointed that out. Well they weren’t too arsed really and said accidents happen and she will contact me shortly to update me on he situation.

I bought tickets to see Bill Bailey today woohoo!! I can’t wait!!
It’s something good to look forward to as it is the Saturday after my final exams wahey! So when I look forward to May it’s not going to be ARGH exams cry and panic, it’s going to be ARGH exams but ooh ooh BILL BAILEY!!

Then at the end of May I’ll be an auntie!!! Not a real auntie but my Rachel will be having her baby at the end of May. Yay at the two good things cancelling out badness of eggzams!!

I can’t believe the month is nearly over! Exams, Bill and baby will be here in no time!!

Tom and I watched American Pie the wedding last night. It was pretty good but stiffer was more of an annoying git rather than funny.

Speaking of annoying gits, Peter Andre needs shooting. Someone please make him stop singing and please god don’t let anyone give him a record deal. I can’t believe I loved Mysterious Girl. Bet if I listened to it now it would sound awful and not alright like it does in my head.
#ooh oooh ooh ooh ooh mysterious girl I wanna get close to yoooou#

I love to wiggle my toes, just thought it would share it. But in work I always have to take a break for a minute to have a drink and wiggle my toes. I think the dust and paint fumes from the work men in work are getting to me…


Sunday, January 25, 2004

I have a dilemma!
People who read this will no I have problems with neighbour downstairs and his noise making at stupid hours.
Well Friday night / Saturday morning he was at it again with his music with his bass on full so you could feel it through the bed plus he was playing an out of tune guitar really loud. 4.20 I went downstairs to ask him to turn it down, I was going to say please and everything!!
Well I went down stairs and knocked politely on his door, he ignores, I knock again and then music is turned up. I wrapped my hand in my dressing gown and banged loudly and he ignored me. I got a phone book and banged on his door and the music went up again. So I decided to go outside and knock on the window as it’s where he was sitting and, um, I’ve cracked his window!!

I heard it crack but he came out and I didn’t think of it as we shouted but I did tell twin it cracked, then Tom pointed the crack out last night and it’s pretty big.

After a little panicking and a lot of nervous giggling I decided it would probably be the best thing to ring my housing officer at riverside and talk to her as they know of the troubles and I have a log of all the events that have happened. Surely I couldn’t get into a lot of trouble if I admit it and offer to pay part of it?

Thing is I decided to share the fact I was going to confess and everyone except Foxy thinks it’s a bad idea and says I will get into a lot of trouble.

So, confess tomorrow or wait until they come to me?

Opinions in the comment box would be nice :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Babie's laughter: Warm, kind and loving; a baby's
laugh represents you. You are very innocent and
enjoy the simple things in life. You are
probably very good with children and have a
positive, happy soul. (please rate my quiz)

What Sound Are You?(now w/ pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, January 19, 2004

Just have to say thank you to Nichola and Motti for introducing me to the world of Little britain, it's funny!

Shitty day today, but then Mondays generally are, but hey the week can only get better!! (That's if I ignore the other mock exam, civil litigation yaaawn!)

#caught in a trap, and i can't get out because i love you too much baaaaby#


Sunday, January 18, 2004

I've been walking around in an "i'm so in love mood" thinking of nice things and grinning like a fool while walking down the road. I love this feeling its great!
I also love it when I see someone else sitting on a bus or walking around and they suddenly just grin and you know that they have just thought of something really nice, makes me smile!!

I just felt the need to share that :)

Everyone is having baaaabies!!! So CONGRATULATIONS to all the lovely, lucky pregnant laydeees!!

Court was funny on Friday. The other side didn't give the judge the documents they are supposed to so the judge got pissed off and put us to last on the list. So muchos waiting around so we got talking to the client through his interpreter as he speaks French about what it was like in the Congo, then talk moved onto his life in England and his relationship with his ex (the other party in the case) turns out he was sleeping with her Mother as well for use of the car and gifts such as jewellery!! If he refused she would take things away from him! I was chewing my pen to stop me from laughing!! Judge told them to drop the case because it was silly! She was just very angry with him and her mother was pushing her on.

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Thank God it’s Friday tomorrow!! Plus I am in court which is great \o/ away from the office and my mood swing boss!! Been terrified for my life this week hehe She has been in such a bad mood and I’ve been too scared to do work in case I do something wrong and she eats me!!
I love working for her just not sharing a room with her, can’t wait until we move premises. We’ve seen the plans and they look great. All modern and open planned apart from the solicitors who get there little glass boxes. Lots of work to do before we move with clearing the crap from the building, which I know I shall be dragged into despite it not being my job any more, ah well.

First mock exam today, wasn’t too bad actually. Luckily there were plenty of essay questions for me, I prefer them to problem questions just nice regurgitating anything I remember from the book :)
Second one next week, civil litigation yaaaaaaawn!! That one should be interesting HA!
Can’t wait to get them finished because we are starting family law and I shall finally understand things I tell the clients and actually be able to have clients of my own \o/ actually that’s a scary thought!!

Enjoying work still after 4 months in my new job, thought the new excitement of it might have worn off by now. One of the other clerks in our department is leaving February to go to Brazil to teach English Law!! Sounds fab. She’s going before her new job starts so she can go to carnival. Brave thing to do, especially as she is going alone!! I couldn’t do it alone. But now her boss is trying to get me as her clerk which would give me a million times more work but its not child law so not sure if I want to or not, you never know though I may love divorce if I had a go!!

My mouth feels pretty normal again, just the big hole where my tooth used to be!! It’s horrible and squidgy and food keeps going in there bleurgh!!

I think I have gone past the withdrawal symptoms of shopping. I had a HUGE list of things I wanted to buy and its slowly getting smaller as I realised most of it is shite that I don’t really need heh Going for a little shop on Sunday so in theory I am ok but lets see when I am loose in the shops with my card in my grubby little mits :)

OO R YA!?!?! BEAVERS!! rrRRrraaAarrrRrrr yes I have lost the plot :p

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Mouth still hurts boooo
What i forgot to mention in my last post is that my tooth broke in bits when the dentist pulled it out.
Still feeling very sorry for myself ah well, Tom should be here in an hour or so \o/

Tonight we will be continuing watching the films that everyone should watch at some point thingy. We're watching Indiana Jones 2 which I am assured no baddie monkey that was going to turn goodie monkey dies :( Although there is consumption of monkey brains...

Off for a bowl of shreddies!!

Monday, January 12, 2004

Feeling a little sorry for myself at the mo.
Been having trouble with a new wisdom tooth, same probs as last time. This time I decided that instead of being in pain for ages I would just go to the dentist and have it removed, Wasn’t scared or anything because I was last time and it didn’t even hurt!
Went into the dentist this morning at 9am and told him he was removing my tooth today hehe he looked in my mouth and agreed it was a good idea.
Well it was horrible!! Took a while to yank out. Really really hurt my jaw and its still hurting now :(

I had some stupid anti-money laundering training after work today yaaaaawn. I think I only took two things in and one was one of the easiest ways to actually launder money. So anyone unscrupulous people about wanting to launder money, I’ll tell you a great way to do it for a cut ;p

Been doing nice and well with the not spending money thing. Going shopping on Sunday so that shall be testing hehe Luckily we aren’t meeting until 2o’clock so I’ll only have two hours or so to shop. You have to watch me girlies!! I’ll work out my spending limit before I go out!

Getting quite excited about seeing Bill Bailey \o/ Its the Saturday after I finish my exams so nice thing to look forward to. Knowing my luck they will have sold out before we get our tickets hehe (touch wood!!!)

Well I must stop feeling sorry for myself now, its nice hugs day from Mr Tom tomorrow so that shall make me smile :)

Friday, January 09, 2004

Look I have a commenty thing now \o/
So everyone feel free to use it :)

Feeling a bit crap today.
Been looking for a place to buy for a while as I hate the fact that I am paying rent and i will have nothing to show for it! Plus fuckface is really making my life hell although my stereo is great so at the moment i am drowning him out.
Well last night i saw a flat in Southport in a fab location in my price range hoorah! I got the number of the estate agents and rang them today and someone had put an offer in yesterday waaaah :*(
Nice lady told me to ring back in the week just incase it falls through, really hope it does, I want it hehehe

Had to be in court today didn't start until 2.15 but the barrister said to be there for 12 for a discussion, well i was the only person to remember this and barrister and client didn't come until 1.45 hehe I just sat outside the court room on my own watching the world go by, having a text convo with Katie and eating chicken and thyme sensations YUMMY!

I was also supposed to be going to a conference for a pain in teh arse client form 4 to 6. Who the hell booked that? Late after work on a Friday?? Luckily the above court case didn't finish until 4.50 yay so I got out of it :)

Feel like I have been punched in the face, my mouth hurts lots! Just the weekend and I can go beg the dentist Monday morning to pull my tooth out !!

Ah well nice weekend to relax and continue the search for somewhere to live.
That field in Lydiate is looking mighty good!!


Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Well it is 2004!
It started off well but I have a sore mouth due to wisdom tooth growing through and my mouth having no room for it so causing muchos pain, especially when i wake up after chomping away at my cheek in the night *whimper*

Going back to work has shattered me out, soooo busy!! Why can't people just give us a week to get back into things?? hehe

I have made two new years resolutions this year:
1) To try not to skive college as much, this only includes law college not computers! (it did start as not to skive college meaning both of them and the as much was added later, well i do want to try adn keep it!!)
2) To stay in the black with my bank account. Doing well for January, I know if i stay in teh black this month I am on the way!! Makes a change, red doesn't really suit me anyway, too pale.

Skippy, did you buy a buttie from a little shop just off Dale Street today? If not, you have a twin!

Well that will do for now as my mouth hurts so i need to go cry or drink hot chocolate not decided which yet!