Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Well I tried writing a few versions of this post and I realised people who are important know the story of this year so my sincerest apologises and deepest gratitude goes to the following people for being there.

Firstly to Julia, Lady H and Skippy for their hugs at the K. It meant a lot.

Thanks to the pink bag for listening to me go on and on and on for a few hours one day and then gave me some very sensible advice :)

A BIG thank you to Katie the bestest twin ever :) Thank you for listening, especially on those Sunday mornings. Also thank you for keeping me insane :)

A special thank you to Nichola for being great from the start and helping me get my head straight and also for the “discussions” about the demon headmaster.

The biggest thank you goes to Tom for being a lot more understanding than I ever gave him credit for. I want you to know I love you so much.

2003 has been hard but has given me a lot to be grateful for and a lot to work for and 2004 shall be a year for building on relationships and for letting people know how much I love them.

Thank you everybody.

Saturday, December 27, 2003

You clever laydee you officially finishing your PhD :)

*does a well done dance Michal Jackson stylee to the MJ cd Mr Tom got her \o/*

Well I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas time and got everything they wanted from Santa :) I was spoilt rotten this year, which was nice :)

I enjoyed mine a lot more than I expected. Christmas eve visiting my mums family, midnight mass with a nice carol service. Yummy Christmas dinner. 6 of us squished around a teeny table and my mum cooked enough for 15, the doggie had a nice lunch :) then after dinner we opened pressies and then settled down to watch the Queens speech followed by the Kings speech which the clever sky plus recorded for me. If anyone saw it, I wish they hadn’t done that anus horriblus (spelling heh) bit the look on my mums face made me cringe.
Then I went to Mr Toms for a lovely tea and more present opening :)

I got lots of chocs so I am sitting here eating until I feel sick, then breaking for 5 mins then doing it again :) I have decided it will be much better for me to consume all of the sweeties in one week!!

Well only another 364 (ish) sleeps to go hehehe

We’re going to watch Return of the King tonight YAY!

I need to get tidying up so I can find a home for new prezzies and maybe considering revising (spit) or at least get my books out. Why the hell do they put mocks right after Christmas bitches :)

Tuesday, December 23, 2003


Have a lovely christmas folks. Don't forget to go to bed extra early tomorrow or Santa won't come!! VBe nice and leave a mince pie and some milk for him and don't forget the carrot for Rudolph. hehehehe

Have a good day everyone.

Monday, December 22, 2003


Sunday, December 21, 2003

My over excitable Christmassy spirit is spreading hoorah. Everyone should be Christmassy (unless it’s not in their religion, that is the only valid reason)

I must thank fally for my truley inspired christmas name skittledonkey. I love it. Shame christmas is upon us! I shall remember it for next year :)

We went into town last night and it was fuuun :)
We started off in the swan and sat eating flumps and celebrations mmMMmm! Not had flumps in so long they’re yuuuuummy!!
We then went on the KH where there was fun a plenty :)
Before we left we tried to make everyone eat all the remaining chocs but they didn’t so I decided I wanted to give them to the bouncers and in return they gave Tom and I tickets for Christmas Eve \o/

Unfortunately neither of us can go so0o if anyone is planning to go and fancies saving £10 entrance fee let me or Tom know (email address should be over there somewhere-->). Failing that I shall go to quiggins after work on Wednesday and give them away :)

What was all that white on Snarlies face??

I need to get wrapping prezzies and writing cards and eat food I’m staaaaarving :)

Well if I don’t speak to you loons before hand


Christmassy Kisses Gem

*I want fizz booooombs*

Friday, December 19, 2003

o0oh yes.
I am in such a great mood at the moment! Just lots of little things together making me all happy :)

I went to court the other day and as we walked out our client got arrested, it was GREAT! hehe

Got all my christmassy shopping done \o/

Christmas party was great \o/

I have a fabulous man to pester me and pick on me \o/

My bank account is in the black and has a possibility of staying in the black this month \o/ Tom said he would buy me a prezzie if I stayed in the black :)

It's nearly christmas YAY! \o/

So0o0o0o happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy me :)

Katie's guppies have had babies YAY! I named one Fernando! Fernando the yellow tail *big kisses to Fernando xxx* She has tkaen a picci of Fernando on her picture phone but doesn't know how to send them, pffft, anyone know how to? I wanna see Fernando!!

I have had a skive of a day, I have done no0o work :) Had a nice lunch out of the office meeting Mr Tom in the continental market and smelt yummy food. Most people went to the market in their lunch and the office smelt fabulous of cheese and garlic all afternoon.

IT'S NEARLY CHRISTMAS! I am far too excitable. I love it. Plus a week and a half off work WOO HOO!!

Don't really know what to write I am sure I had loads but when I sit down to write it always pops out of my head :)

Oh yes. brown baby clothes are wrong! They should be banned along with knitted teapot covers and sunday night television in general.

Have a good weekend darhlinks

Tuesday, December 16, 2003


Started writing my christmas cards out yesterday, didn't get very far hehe
I don't mind writing them out to friends but when you write them to eeeeveryone in work it gets so very boring, plus because I have worked in the other offices they are sending me cards too so I have to write some for them *big yawn*

Almost done with christmas shopping yay only one present left to go! I hope! Have I missed someone out? :s

I might rob that comment thingy from Mr Tom that he stole from lady H. I quite like it :)

o0o0o I'm all chrismassy :) I can't wait!! I am such a big kid!!

Sunday, December 14, 2003


Christmas party last night and it was faaaab!
Big thank you to Nichola for having it at her house!
It was a fun night in playing computer games, kerplunk (I won \o/), Jenga (I kept breaking the rule of one hand and no fixing the tower – I lost hehe) and HUAGE Connect 4! I want the huge connect 4!
We played the dance mat game which was good fun, even if me and Ria aren’t very good at it. I am buying one :) even though I said I am not buying things until February :s My bank account is looking a lot healthier these days so if I could just keep my purse closed I’ll be in the black longer than just pay day! hehe
We had some lo0o0ovely pizza and a lovely table of food to pick at. It was a really good night!

It was the office Christmas party on Friday. Free bar was good and food was tasty and bitching was a plenty :) Especially about psycho witch who I really do not like BUT it wasn’t me that started the bitching about her hehe! She looked awful and was acting like a whore. Monday morning shall be amusing.

I escaped from the party nice and early and got home and decided that then was the best time to make jelly and cakes for the party at Nichola’s. Cakes turned out really well actually but I managed to make jelly not only in the Christmas tree jelly moulds but also along the bottom of my fridge :)

I LOVE CHRISTMAS YAAAAAAAAY! Not long to go now! Just got to buy something for my father but no idea what. Possibly a few little bits for the Tom one.

I better go think of what I should buy people!

You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, December 11, 2003

I've already picked my new years resolution, to make mroe of an effort not to skive from college :) I fully intended on staying until 9 tonight. Tom is on his works night out so I couldn't come home and talk to (bore) him about my day. I tried my hardest I really did but it was soooooo boring
rule 14(1) Schedule 1 ET (CRP)R 2001 says this
rule 13(1a) Schedule 1 ET (CRP)R 2001 says that
well I fell alseep hehe. I had my highlighter in my hand ready to mark anyting important but as I had fallen asleep it slipped out of my hand and the noise it made when it fell on the desk made me almost fly out of my seat :) Come the break at 7.30 4 out of the 8 people there made a run for it, me included of course!

Went to the hospital about the DINT (hehe) on my eyeball. Doc said I was much better and gave me eyedrops. I collected the drops today and there are millions of them. I thought it would be a little bottle but its strips of individual capsules, I so can't put them in, I'm to much of a wimp!

I've been a piggy this year and got two advent calendars. The one I got for home I've not opened one door on it yet so Tom will have to help me open them all :) I bought a milky bar buttons advent calendar for work. The front is two buttons making a snow man so festive... the pictures insides are a circle (button) with added scribbles to make it a picture so there is cows and chicks but nothing christmassy, shame.

I must start writing my christmas cards out, everyone is giving them out in work and i've not even thought about it yet. Can't wait to start wrapping in my own unique way :) Suppose I better finish buying :)

The more I tried this the worse I got! I got F- - once hehe

I did it in 16 seconds.
I deserved an A-!!
Take the How Dexterous Are You? Quiz!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Thank you to Tom for waking me up and driving me to work this morning after I decided to turn my alarm off in my sleep rather than snooze :)

It's tiring being back in work. I am missing my naps in the day, ah well.

Everyone is decorating their blods yay! Too much hard work for me but it's all nice and christmassy! I'm getting all excited \o/ and HOORAH at Katie getting christmassy too!!! You can't not be christmassy if you wanna be my twiiiin :p

Christmas Party for work on Friday, still humming and haaring over whether to go or not. Not a lot of the younger ones are going but I quite fancy going to laugh at some of the people and have fun with the free bar. Although the tight gits have changed it form an hour free bar to 30 minutes pfft!! Might go for the food as its yummy and then go home with a full belly and slightly tipsy :)

Christmas party on saturday \o/ Can't wait, it's going to be great! I shall be making fairy cakes and christmas tree shaped jelly YAY!! hehe o0o0o I am such a kiddie :)

Tom and I watched the Hulk last night and I thought it was shite really. Well what I saw as I just slept through most of it hehe

Ah well, gave myself a chuckle. Been watching a virusy program and talking about it with Katie and they started talking about the ebola virus and I was sure that we had it in the UK and I was thinking of times when I had seen it on the news. After Katie saying she didn't think we had and her being a scientist that works with viruses I though very hard with a furrowed brow and I actually meant E Coli hehe Sound the same don't they?

Well that will do for now, got to go get my bag ready for college and get my sleeps *yaaaaawn*

Happy Advent Calendar opening

Monday, December 08, 2003

Have you all gone to Whizz Kidz yet?
Yes, good people I hope you all have a lovely crimble!

Ho0o0orah its nearly Christmas!! Santa and his reindeer are up on the corn mills and all the decorations have gone up around the place. I put mine up today \o/ my tree is ickle though. I’ve moved all my furniture around so now I have room for a BIG one! If I am still here next year I shall get a nice new one :)

Back to work tomorrow! Half YAY and half boo! I’m getting bored and I dread to think what shall be on my desk when I get back but boo because I still don’t feel 100% The floor I work on is transformed into a grotto at Christmas so the Christmas spirit shall keep me going :) PLUS 7 days to open on my advent calendar at work wahey! Although I’ve not opened one day on the one at home yet, not been in the mood for chocolate. I’m going to make a jelly sweets advent calendar, or do they already exist?

Congratulations to Helen on getting a new job! YAY! Also on Helens tracky type thing to show where people have come from to read her blog, the number from my blog is biiiig. Does that mean lots of people read my blog too? o0o0o0o0o

Spent a couple of hours sat in the Royal today *yaaaaaaaawn* my eye is looking almost 100% normal again yay! Got some drops to keep my eye MOIST! (heheheheeh) sorry, drops to keep it from drying out and I am going back in 4 weeks!

I think that’s it.
YAY Tuesday tomorrow! I love Tuesdays :)


Sunday 07 December really, blogger wouldn't let me post yesterday :)

Firstly. Whizzkids is a charity which raises money to provide electric wheelchairs for disabled children.
Easy Jet have promised 25p for every click on a link on the Whizzkids webpage and so far they have raised thousands!
Please go there and click on the link and follow it to the end. It will cost you nothing, not even your email address. Once you've done this it will tell you what the running total is.
Pass it on to everyone you know :)

I’ve been off sick again :( Booo! My own fault really. When I had a throat infection three weeks ago the doctor told me to go back if I wasn’t feeling any better and I never hehe so now my throat infection has spread to my ear too, I think it might be on my chest to because I am having chest pains :( Not being silly this time though, still feel parpy so I am going to the docs tomorrow :)

Has Christmas started yet? I’ve not been past the corn mills since Monday and they only had the tree up and not santa and the reindeer, I am having worries that it may not be there? What would happen to Christmas?? Hehe I shall have to go past tomorrow and check!

Been feeling and sleeping too much to even put my tree up! This is mad, me, little miss yaaaay its Christmas time!! Hehe I was going to do it today but it never happened! I’ll do it tomorrow, yes, yes I will!

Everyone has sno0o0o0ow! I want some sno0o0ow! Tooooom please give me the snow I’ll love you foooorever :)

Went to see S.W.A.T last night and it was go00od! Lot better than I thought it was going to be, I only said I’d go because Samuel L Jackson was in it hehe. It’s funny although I was scared of Colin Farrells eyebrows at points, is that just me?

Went to the Trafford Centre on Friday with Tom and Motti to do some Christmas shopping. I did crap. Only managed to buy half of one Christmas pressie argh panic now. I was going to be ready this year and not finishing it off on Christmas eve after work!!
If anyone shops in the Trafford Centre stay far far away from the Santa in Debenams!! He’s a scary pervy old man! If you see him walking towards you, turn and RUN! Why do the weirdos pick me? :(

I watched Chicago on DVD today, it’s great. If you’ve not seen it go and rent it out! Thank you Nichola for lending me it :) #He had it comin’!

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

I stole this quiz originally form Joolia and then Nich. The result made me laugh as its truuuue! I am slo0ow at times :) (more often than not hehe)

My twinnieo was Pooh too \o/! KATIE UPDATE YOU BLOG! OO R YA!?!?! INNIT!

I think that’s all I have to say for now.
Thank You :)

Christmas Countdown Kisses

Saturday, December 06, 2003

Just in case you've had a rough day, here is a stress management technique
recommended in all the latest psychological texts. The funny thing is that
it really works.

1. Picture yourself near a stream.

2. Birds are softly chirping in the cool mountain air.

3. No one but you knows your secret place.

4. You are in total seclusion from the hectic place called "the world."

5. The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade
of serenity.

6. The water is crystal clear.

7. You can easily make out the face of the person you're holding